  • 學位論文


A Study of the Urban Flooding Resilience–A Case Study in Tainan, Taiwan

指導教授 : 周士雄


近年來天災頻傳,世界各國均有氣候異常現象,無論是颱風、熱浪、暴雨、龍捲風、雪災等災害,都因為氣候變遷的因素導致災害日益嚴重。臺南市仁德文賢地區位處三爺溪與二仁溪匯流處附近,由於地勢低窪、水路曲折,因此每逢豪雨便易氾濫成災,長期受災後不論是人口、產業、建物等各方面,對其承受災害及回復之能力,皆會造成影響。在回復力定義之下,受災後回復正常生活秩序狀態之能力隱含人們對於災害的適應能力,而當遭受災害損失後,人們藉由經驗學習如何對抗與承受一定程度的衝擊,於此若下次再遭受到相同程度的衝擊時,便可以迅速地回復到原有的狀態。換言之,在遭受相同程度災害衝擊時,若損失較高,則代表災害適應能力較低,回復力也較低;而損失較低,則表示適應力較高,回復力也較高。 本研究以「臺南市仁德文賢地區都市防災空間系統示範計畫」為基礎,利用仁德文賢地區於6個重現期降雨情境之風險狀態,依其所對應之損害規模來建立風險散佈圖,於圖中呈現之變化趨勢搭配回復力指標進而探討仁德文賢地區之回復力程度,此法不僅可了解評估區域於發生淹水災害時自身區域對於其回復力情況之比較,亦可作為社區淹水防災之脆弱程度研究。 研究結果發現,當超過重現期25年降雨情境後,文賢地區回復力較低,乃因三爺溪氾濫之洪水影響範圍多屬人口密集區,加上警消資源分布缺乏,而且救援主要幹道於25年重現期以上雨量發生時便遭阻斷,造成救援不易,建議政府未來應加強排洪設施道,降低致災的機會。


回復力 洪災 都市防災


There are frequent occureance of natural disasters these years. Abnormal climate events like typhoons, heat waves, torrential rains, tornados, and avalanches happened in every corner of the world, all of which caused increasingly serious damages due to climate change. Wenxian, an area in Rende Dist., Tainan City, located in a place near the junction of the San-yei river and the Erren River. In spite of its low-lying lands and winding courses, Wenxian area was severely impacted whenever torrential rains hit. This results to certain impacts on the population, industries and buildings’ resilience, or ability to recover, in the long run. In terms of resilience, residents’ adaptability to disasters can be drawn from the ability of recovering from abnormal conditions and rebuilding order of life after a disaster. Suffered from the loss of a disaster, people may adjust to fight against it and recover rapidly by experience. Once a disaster of the same degree of impact strike, they can recover to normal conditions timely. Consequently, when suffering the same impact, the severer the damage, the weaker the adaptability and resilience. On the other hand, the milderer the damage, the stronger the apdaptability and resilience. Taking “ the Demo Program of Urban Disasters-Prevention Space System in Wenxian area, Rende Dist., Tainan City” as a basis, this study aimed at creating a risk scatter chart of the damage corresponding to the risk of rainfall in 6 recurrence periods in Wenxian area. Through the chart which demonstrates the trend and resilience index of natural disasters, the resilience sensibility of this area is discussed in the study. By using this method, this study not only indicates comparisons of the resilience for floods in the same community, it can also be served as a baseline for flood-prevention in different communities. The research results show that Wenxian area has lower resilience when rainfall recurrence interval is more than 25 years. Since the sphere of deluge influence around San-yei River is mostly densely populated area, policemen and firemen numbers run short, and major roads for rescuing will be blocked whenever rainfall recurrence interval is more than 25 years, difficulties in rescuing hence occurred. It is suggested that the government should enhance flood relief facilities and dredging canals, so as to lower the risk of disasters.


Resilience Flood Urban Disaster Prevention


