  • 學位論文


The Changing Process of Battered Women-An Effectiveness of The Empowerment Practice Model

指導教授 : 施教裕


增強權能實務模式是一種增加個人、人際間或政治上的權力,使彼等可以採取行動改善其處境的過程。西方運用增強權能實務模式於婚姻暴力防治上已有良好的成效,然而台灣直接運用增強權能實務模式的經驗較為不足,在相關概念的累積上也較為缺乏,無法形成一個單獨的服務策略。本研究採用質化深度訪談為主,輔以量表測量案主權能表現,訪談四位案主及社工。本研究目的,首先欲歸納出受暴婦女獲得權能感之歷程;其次透過與運用增強權能取向實務工作者的訪談,了解增強權能取向處遇對受暴婦女改變歷程之影響;最後,則提出增強權能運用於受暴婦女之處遇現況及限制,作為增強增能取向實務運用之建議。 本研究發現:一、受暴婦女有微視、中介、鉅視等三項無力感來源;二、受暴婦女改變歷程可分為:(一)前構思階段(二)關鍵事件階段(三)構思階段(四)行動階段(五)維持階段,研究者並歸納改變歷程為趨避─趨避、自力更生─抗暴聚能、整裝儲能─強己助人、破蛹展翅─華麗飛行等四組認知行動組型;三、受暴婦女權能感獲得之要素主要為個別內在事件影響,以及外在社工處遇之助益;四、增強權能模式共有價值基礎、處遇認可與制約、專業關係、問題的界定與研判、目標設定、處遇策略與技巧六個要素,及增強權能成果之呈現;五、目前婚暴防治實務工作者運用增權實務之現況、限制與建議。 本研究結論:一、暴力防治實務方面:根據研究結果,發現暴力的成因複雜,不僅影響受暴婦女求助動機,也使社工介入處遇時常面臨挑戰,因此研究者認為防制暴力應更為積極。結合施暴者與受暴者及其家人的修復式正義在台灣已具備實行基礎,未來若能加強社區、專業教育,在實務上同時針對受暴、施暴者及社區提供處遇協助,將能有效消除暴力行為;在受暴婦女改變歷程中,社工在處遇前、中、後期等階段有不同的任務及處遇焦點,必須採取適當的處遇策略。二、在增強權能實務模式方面:研究者歸納目前台灣增強權能實務防治婚姻暴力之現況,未來可逐步建構此處遇模式;未來在學理及實務上亦能逐步的累積成果,形成增強權能取向之服務策略。 最後,根據本研究結果,對未來實務工作及相關研究提出建議供參考。


The empowerment practice model is a process which can increase one’s personal, interpersonal, or political power. Via the process, people gain the capacity to take action to meliorate situations. The model has proven effective in the intimate abuse intervention in western countries. Taiwan still lacks experiences in employing the model, and in accumulating related concepts. Therefore, specific service strategies cannot be developed. This study mainly adopted in-depth interviews with 4 battered women, 4 social worker, and the Empowerment Scale as the compliment. This study firstly aimed at generalizing the experience in gaining power during the battered women’s changing process. Secondly, through the interviews with social work practitioners using the empowerment model, the study attempted to explore the impacts of the model on the changing process.. Finally, the conclusions of current intervention states and limitations were drew, so as to present suggestions to social work practice. There are finding in the study. 1. Battered women gain powerlessness from the Microsystems, Mezzosystems and Macrosystems. 2. There are five stages in the chaning process of battered women, including: (1)pre-contemplation, (2)critical events, (3)contemplation, (4)action, and (5)maintainance. Four behaviour patterns of recognition and action are found in the process, which are fleeing, self-reliance, self-energising and breakthrough. 3. The empowerment of the battered women results from personal internal events and social work intervention from the external. 4. The model includes a common value base, the sanction of the intervention, professional relationship, definition and assessment of problem, goal setting, intervention strategies as well as techniques and the evaluation of outcome. 5. The current situations, the limitations, suggestions of empowerment model are uncovered. Based on the findings, the study proposes conclusions and suggestions. According to the violence protection practice, inasmuch as the reasons resulting in violence behavior are complicated, not only do battered women lack motivation to seek for help, but social work practitioners encounter challenges on bringing intervention also into actoin. Hence, it is critical to take the initiative in violence prevention. The society has gradually established the foundation of restorative justice for abusers, abused women and their family. Violence behavior can be effectively eliminated when the efforts are located on educations for violence prevention professionals and for the public. Meanwhile, the intervention for abusers, abused women and communities should be acknowledged. Moreover, in accordance with different stages of the changing process, appropriate intervention strategies need to be adopted. On the basis of the conclusion of the study, it is anticipated to advance the empowerment practice model in the future for further social work service tactics.




