  • 學位論文


Survillance in the working place : a case of securities company

指導教授 : 董娟娟


隨著社會科技不斷的發展進步,科技產品也跟著日益創新,除了價格日趨親民化外,對一般市井小民而言,可使用的層面也越來越廣泛。科技的發展多數來自人們的需求,但在人們享受科技進步的同時,如何隨著科技潮流發展,而不使自我受限?網際網路的發達,雖讓大眾體驗到「天涯若彼鄰,世界地球村」的感受,但在此同時,卻也加深了人與人之間的漠然,或許你可能跟遠在海外的陌生友人熱絡閒聊,卻始終不識居住彼鄰的鄰居,這樣的情況在各大城市每天上演著。 如同前述,科技的發明是由於人們的需要,也因此「電子監視設備」應運而生,成為現代人「敦親睦鄰」的好伙伴。而隨著電子監視設備在犯罪案件上的屢獲奇功,各地村里長均將設置監視設備視為必要的公共設施,而迄今,台灣的街頭處處林立的監視設備也讓民眾習以為常,並認定它是打擊犯罪的利器。 但事情總有一體兩面,雖然監視設備在某方面來說確實功不可沒,但隨著時日一久,其弊端也逐漸顯現。除了監視設備本身在裝設當時,沒有周詳的考慮,而導致許多監視設備無力維護成為街頭「稻草人」外,另一個潛在的問題-「個人隱私權」也油然而生,慢慢地獲得大家的關注。 雖說監視設備可有效的協助警方作為犯罪偵察的工具,且可不受氣候、個人因素影響而罷工,但以打擊犯罪、維護社會安全為由而如雨後春筍般冒出的監視設備,難道不會對一般民眾造成影響嗎?身處在監視設備無孔不入的社會環境中,個人的隱私權已蕩然無存。而這樣的狀況也擴及到了國內各企業體,各公司藉著「保護企業之商業機密不外洩」以及「保障職工人身安全」為由,紛紛在企業內裝設監視器材,而類型不單只限定於傳統的監視設備,更包含了電子郵件、電話語音、網際網路等多面向的監控,而這其中又以金融行業為最。 或許是因為金融行業牽涉到龐大的資金流動,以及兼負國家金融安全和社會穩定的使命,因此相關作業流程亦受到嚴密監視控管。而身處該環境的職工,則被以維護公司利益、整個國家的利益、以大局為重等冠冕堂皇的理由,而忽視其基本權利。 職工不懂得適時捍衛自身權益,也許是由於其法律意識淡薄,亦或因擔心成為企業底下的「黑名單」,再加上國家沒有提供強而有力的執法和監督部門,最後反而使證券公司理所當然地將職場監視合法化。 因此,國內證券公司的員工本身應增強自我法律保護意識,保障自己應有之權利尤其是隱私權不受侵害。職場的管理者也應對職工權益注入更多關注,而不是只單純在意企業的盈利目標,國家相關部門的監督與執法力度更必須同時加強,如此才能有效地保障廣大職工的個人基本權利和隱私權,同時也有利於我國人權國家的構建。 總而言之,探討如何有效地解決與處理職場監視問題,以最大程度地減少勞資糾紛問題的發生,建立良好的勞資關係,是現今刻不容緩的課題,該如何有效達到國家以及勞資兩方雙贏的目標,更是值得深思。有鑑於此,筆者於此文中綜合處理了各國關於隱私權的文獻,及以實際案例做剖析,再融合相關從業人員深入訪談的內容,以期做為現今政策編修之參考。


The society continuously develops and advances along with the technology. The technical product had also innovating day after day. Besides the price has getting parity, the aspect that can be used is more and more extensive for the common people. The technical development most comes from people's demand. However, the people enjoys the advance in technology at the same time, how follow with technical tidal current development and doesn’t cause oneself to limit? Development of the computer and internet network, although let the people experience of “ends of the earth like another neighbor, world global village”. But while this; it has also strengthened indifferently between people and people. Maybe you could chat with the strange Friend of overseas, but you don't know your neighbor. Such situation always performed in each big city every day. As front statement, the technical invention is due to the people's needing. So that “the electronic surveillance equipment” just arises at the historic moment, became a good partner of "good-neighborliness" for the modern. And as the monitor always obtain success in crime cases. Each village neighborhood magistrates also will set up the monitor regards as the necessary public equipment. Until today, the monitor set up everywhere in Taiwan street. The people have already been accustomed to and think it’s a excellent tool for against crime. However, the things always have two sides of one coin. Although the monitor equipment really making the achievement in some aspect. But as time flew, its drawback also gradually appears. Except setting up the equipment didn't have careful consideration at that time and bring the problem of unable to maintain the equipment. Another potential problem-Individual's Private Right, has been growing and let everyone pay attention to this subject. Although the monitor equipment that effective assistance police to detect crime and also doesn't strikes by the climate or personal factor. However, in order to maintain the social safety and crime-fighting; these equipments are installed in large. Could it be said that won’t influence the people? In the social environment which the all-pervasive monitor equipments, the personal right of privacy has already all gone. And such the state is expanded and to the domestic companies each. Each companies for the “protection the business secret of company” and “ensure the personal security of worker”, install the monitor equipments on the inside of the company step by step. Meanwhile the type isn't only limit in traditional monitoring equipment, include the control that e-mail, telephone voice message, internet network, etc. Among them use most with financial circles. Maybe the financial circles involves to the huge fund, also take on heavy responsibilities of national financial safety and the social stability. Therefore all procedure also must monitor strictly and controlled. The worker in this environment, with the reasons of maintains company profit, national profit and takes the entire situation…etc, and then disregard them basic right.


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