  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship of Elementary School Parents' Awareness of School Marketing Strategies and Administrative Satisfaction in Nantou County

指導教授 : 翁福元


在少子化與教育自由化與民主化的趨勢下,不僅家長選擇權興起,而且積極參與校務運作,提升家長對學校行政服務的滿意度成為刻不容緩的事。因此,適切的行銷策略以建立良好學校形象是學校經營的重要課題之一。 本研究旨在探討南投縣國民小學家長對學校行銷策略與行政服務滿意度的知覺現況,並分析不同背景變項家長對學校行銷策略與行政服務滿意度的差異情形,以及學校行銷策略與行政服務滿意度之關係。 本研究所採取之研究方法為問卷調查法。研究之進行程序為:蒐集與研讀相關文獻後,發展出本研究之研究架構;其次,編製「南投縣國民小學家長知覺學 校行銷策略與行政服務滿意度」調查問卷作為研究工具;最後,就蒐集的資料進行分析,並與文獻探討相互印證。本研究問卷調查抽樣對象以南投縣公立國民小學25所 974 位家長為樣本,回收有效問卷共計 753 份,有效率為 77.3%。調查資料以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數、皮爾遜積差相關、迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料分析與處理。根據分析結果,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、南投縣國民小學家長知覺的學校行銷策略現況,比較傾向正向的態度,屬 於中上程度,以「人員策略」層面表現最佳。 二、南投縣國民小學家長知覺的行政服務滿意度現況,屬於中上程度,以「整 體滿意度」層面表現最佳。 三、不同年齡家長對學校行銷策略的認知,達顯著差異。年齡愈大者,知覺情 況愈趨於正向。 四、不同性別、職業的家長對學校行銷策略的認知,沒有顯著差異。 五、不同教育程度家長對學校行銷策略的知覺,達顯著差異。教育程度在國中 以下者比專科、大學者趨於正向。 六、不同年齡家長對行政服務滿意的程度,其差異達顯著水準。年齡大者,對 行政服務滿意度較高。 七、不同性別、職業的家長對行政服務滿意的程度,其差異未達顯著水準。 八、不同教育程度家長對行政服務滿意的程度,其差異達顯著水準。教育程度 在國中以下者比專科、大學者滿意度較高。 九、南投縣國民小學家長知覺學校行銷策略與行政服務滿意度呈現正相關 十、南投縣國民小學家長知覺學校行銷策略四個層面中,以「人員策略」對行 政服務滿意度最具解釋力。 最後,依據本研究所獲之結論,研究者針對教育主管機關、學校行政者、教師、家長以及未來相關研究者,提出相關具體建議,作為規劃學校行銷及後續 研究之參考。


The trend of population decline and democratization, in addition to the rise of parent involvement, parents actively participate the school’s administration. As a result, to increase the satisfaction of school’s administrative service has become extremely important. Therefore, through marketing strategies to establish impressive school image has become the first priority. The purpose of this research is to explore the awareness of parents towards the school administrative service through the use of marketing strategies. The various variables among parents’ awareness towards school marketing strategies and the satisfaction of administrative service were analyzed. Also, the relationships of marketing strategies used by school and the satisfaction of school administrative service were also studied. The research methods used is questionnaire survey method. The researcher read related research review, the research structure was developed. Secondly, the questionnaire of 「Parents’ awareness of marketing strategies and the satisfaction of school administrative service of Nantou County」questionnaire was developed by the research. Lastly, the collecting data was analyzed and confirmed with the literature review. This study utilized stratified sampling to select subjects. The subjects are 974 parents from 25 schools. There are 753 returned questionnaires. The returned rate is 77.3%. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way AVONA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and regression analysis. The results of this study are stated as follows: 1. The parents’ awareness of Nantou County towards school marketing strategies tends to be positive. The scores are above average, among which the personnel strategy scores the highest. 2. The parents’ awareness of Nantou County towards school administrative service is above average. The overall satisfaction scores the highest. 3. The awareness of parents’ awareness with different age towards school marketing strategies is statistically significant. 4. There is no significant difference between the parents’ awareness of school marketing strategies among parents with different occupation and different gender. 5. There is statistical difference of the parents’ awareness of school marketing strategies of parents with different educational status. Parents with junior high diploma or lower has higher scores than those with college university degree. 6. There is statistical difference of parents’ attitude toward the level of satisfaction of school’s administrative service. The older the subject, the higher the satisfaction is. 7. Parents with different gender and different occupation, there is no significance towards the level of satisfaction of administrative service. 8. Parents with different educational status reveal significant difference towards level of satisfaction of administrative service. Parents with high school diploma appear higher satisfaction than those with college or university degree. 9. There is positive correlation between Nanout County parents’ awareness of school marketing strategies and school administrative service. 10. Among the four levels of awareness of Nantou County parents’ of school marketing strategies, the personal strategies factor has the highest predictive value. Lastly, researchers made suggestions for the administrative authorities, school administrators, teachers, parents and future related researchers. Therefore, they can plan for their school marketing accordingly.


