  • 學位論文

應用模糊多準則決策方法於開發醫療螢幕校色器 之策略分析

Selection of Developing New Color Calibration Device for Medical Display Monitor Using Fuzzy Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process

指導教授 : 徐旭昇


全球消費用顯示器市場已趨於飽和狀態,使得消費用顯示器的毛利率逐漸下滑,而醫療用顯示器規格要求高於一般的顯示器商品,進入門檻也較高,故其毛利率也高於一般消費用顯示器,因此各大廠商也慢慢轉向醫療用顯示器開發上。開發醫療螢幕校色器配合螢幕監控系統可隨時掌握顯示器狀態,大幅提升產品品質及服務品質,也讓產品更具競爭力。 在決策過程中許多評估準則不易量化及決策者的主觀判斷等因素,都具有相當程度的不確定性與模糊性,進行各項準則方案評估時如能建立其階層結構,將有助於決策者對事物之了解及判斷,使複雜問題得以簡化。本研究之三種不同方案的校色器,其所適用之顯示器機種、開發成本、開發技術困難度、市場廣泛程度及獲利能力等都不相同,評估準則也較不易量化。故本研究使用模糊理論(Fuzzy Set)應用於德菲法(Delphi Method)及層級分析程序法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)中,先篩選出重要次準則,再決定層級架構準則權重,遴選出最佳策略方案。本研究也使用重心法及α截集兩種解模糊方法進行探討,利用α截集敏感度分析觀察在不同模糊程度下,各準則權重值的模糊區間變化,將決策者主觀判定及模糊性,利用風險偏好程度加以分析,讓本研究更貼近企業組織決策時的真實性。 根據本研究結果顯示,組織內對於醫療螢幕校色器的開發準則中,對於「價格優勢」、「創新服務」、「新興市場」、「國際認證」及「專利技術」準則最為重視。此外,決策環境的改變會造成決策者部分權重排序改變,敏感度分析之結果顯示,當決策者對於環境改變影響其風險承擔的能力時,對於策略方案的評選也會跟著改變。


Medical Display Monitors (MDMs) are extensively used in Hospitals nowadays. The technical specifications of MDMs are very stringent due to the requirements of high quality medical judgment and functions, as well as growing market competition. The technological requirements of MDMS are higher than those of display monitors used for general purposes, but their gross profit margins are larger as well. This research aims to develop a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) model useful in developing new color calibration devices for the MDM industry. This model is applied to a particular MDM manufacturer, and the results are discussed. The proposed MCDM model uses fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) to filter the performance criteria, and then apply the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) to evaluate the weights of SWOT perspectives and the performance criteria, as well as the alternatives of color calibration devices. Fuzzy Delphi method requires only a small number of samples, and the derived results are objective and reasonable. In this thesis, the FDM proposed by Hsu and Yang (2000) is adopted in the selection process of performance criteria. Ten experts and/or managers with expertise concerning MDM products formed an expert group. As a result, 20 performance criteria in the preliminary framework were reduced to 14 criteria, the weights of which were also calculated based on the experts’ opinion. Afterwards, 20 product-related sales agents and experts were inquired to evaluate the relative weights of the three alternatives for each criterion. The results indicate that among the 14 criteria, five most important criteria are respectively: Price Advantage, Innovative Service, Emerged Markets, International Certification, and Patent & Technology. For the three device alternatives, the ranking is respectively: Front Sensor, Color Sensor, and Swing Sensor.


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