  • 學位論文


The quality improvement of Golf club head characteristic time

指導教授 : 林真如


摘要 本研究主要探討高爾夫球桿頭在製作上如何保證,高爾夫球在撞擊高爾夫球桿頭的瞬間所產生的特徵時間(Characteristic Time, CT)可符合規格要求,CT即是擺鎚撞擊球頭時接觸的時間,主要反應出球頭的彈簧效應,在美國高爾夫協會(United States Golf Association, USGA)與皇家聖安卓古典高爾夫俱樂部(Royal and Ancient Club, R&A)所共同制定的規範,CT上限要求必需在257μs範圍之內,而客戶要求規格則除了訂定上限257μs之外更增加下限要求235μs。 研究管控CT的方式區分為二個主軸,第一為管控設計參數,是將A公司中的X HOT高爾夫球桿頭做為品質改善的標的,對於X HOT高爾夫球桿頭,分別測量球頭設計參數及CT值,以此運用統計手法中的迴歸分析(Regression Analysis),找出CT與各項球頭設計參數之間的相關性及主效用因子,針對主效用因子進行製程管控與調整,在主效用因子進行嚴格管制之後,能有效提高CT良率,藉由本研究方法可達到品質改善、利潤提升、減少報廢、降低成本的效益。 第二則是朝向量產階段的高爾夫球桿頭,在抽驗中發現CT已超出規格上限,藉由增加熱處理(Heat treatment)製程來挽救不良的高爾夫球桿頭,判斷熱處理是否有顯著效用則是透過統計手法成對分析(Paired-t)來進行分析判定,分析結果顯示熱處理前CT平均246.86μs,處理後CT平均243.83μs,以95%信賴區間計算,變化量約會降低2.35至3.70μs。 關鍵詞:特徵時間、良率、熱處理


特徵時間 良率 熱處理


ABSTRACT The research investigates how to control the Characteristic Time (CT) spec of golf heads. CT is the contacting time as the pendulum bounces against the clubface. CT reflects the Spring Like Effect. United States Golf Association (USGA) and Royal and Ancient Club (R&A) set the upper limit of CT to 257μs. The customer further set the lower limit to 235μs. There are two topics in this research. The first one is to control the design parameters. The target is the X HOT product by company A. The design parameters and CT values were firstly measured. The regression analysis was performed to find out the correlation and main effects between CT and the design parameters. The main effects were then controlled and modified to increase the yield rate of CT. The second topic aims at the defective golf heads with CT’s over the upper specification limit. Heat treatment was applied to decrease the CT. Paired-t method was used to test the effectiveness of heat treatment. The results show that the average CT could reduce from 246.86μs to 243.83μs after heat treatment. Based on 95% confidence interval, the decrement will be 2.35-2.70μs Keyword: Characteristic Time, yield rate, heat treatment


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