  • 學位論文


A Study on Cultural Governance of Taichung Literature Museum

指導教授 : 蔣雅君


本研究以臺中文學館為研究對象,其前身為臺中市政府登錄之歷史建築日治時期警察宿舍,該館從存廢問題至活化再利用的建構歷程,探討的是臺中文學館在官方文化治理的過程,藉此釐清其形式的變動歷程、空間異質的展現、修復再利用真實性的現實,進而綜整臺灣當代文化治理上的真實性與價值。 文化資產在官方的文化治理上,時常是走向文化經濟與觀光產業鏈中,將文化演變成是資本主義的修補機制,然而文學館無論是在歷史脈絡、空間形式上,其所展現的是歷史價值與知識系統,且在未來更扮演著建構社會和文學意識的重要角色,囊括了一系列既具文化、歷史和空間美學等面向的發展。透過臺中文學館的空間權利變動的過程,離析其空間生產的脈絡;從文化表徵與文化資產的創造當中,探討其空間異質化的展現;進而針對台灣當代文化資產在利用真實性中,討論目前真實性價值的現況。 在研究方法上,首先使用文獻收集的方式,建構臺中文學館的文化發展歷程及瞭解;另配合口述訪談,解析文學館在文化治理過程中,官方及專業規劃者對其空間想像的定義及定位;進而透過田野調查的方式,探討文化資產活化再利用的真實性與當代價值,以作為臺灣文化資產在文化治理過程中的參考個案。


Research object is for Taichung Literature Museum, formerly Taichung City Government login historical architecture during the Japanese occupation of the police quarters. From the abolition of the problem to the construction process of adaptive re-use, I discuss on the process of Taichung Museum of Literature in the official culture of governance to understand the form of changes in history, heterotopias of show, restoration and reuse authenticity reality, and then the authenticity and value of Taiwan's integration of governance on contemporary culture. Cultural Heritage in the official culture of governance, often in the cultural economy chain and tourism industry chain, the evolution of culture into the repair mechanism of capitalism, however, both the Museum of Literature in the historical context and the spatial form show that the historical value and knowledge systems, and more plays in the future construction of social and literary awareness of important roles, including the development of a series of cultural, historical and spatial aesthetics oriented. Through the process of change in the space right Taichung Museum of Literature, the production of space is isolated in its context. From the creation of cultural representation and Cultural Heritage, I explore the spatial heterogeneity of the show; and then against Taiwan in the use of contemporary cultural heritage authenticity, I discuss the current status of the value of authenticity. In research methods, the first to use literature collection methods, the construction Taichung Literature Museum of Cultural History and understanding; the other with oral interviews, analytic Literature Museum in the cultural process of governance, I define and locate their official and professional planners imagined space; and then the way through field study to explore the cultural heritage of adaptive re-use of authenticity and contemporary value, as Taiwan's cultural heritage in culture governance process reference case.


Terry Eagleton著、林志忠譯(2002),《文化的理念》,臺北:巨流。
David Harvey著、王志弘及王玥民譯(2007),《資本的空間:批判地理芻論》,臺北市:群學出版有限公司。
