  • 學位論文

CAD資訊系統評估策略之研究 -以數位資產生命週期觀點進行個案探討

A study of the CAD evaluate strategy -The Case of Digital Asset and Product Lift Cycle

指導教授 : 劉士豪 蔡義昌


隨著網際網路的普及應用,資訊技術(Information Technology)發展趨勢,由過去的交易程序處理,經由活動自動化提昇、跨活動程序整合、價值鏈整合,進入到未來的價值系統最佳化;軟體系統發展也由專用軟體開發,朝套裝化系統(Packaged)選用,進而作客別差異化應用;網際網路已確定為資訊技術(IT)之主要發展方向,企業資訊系統的應用也由早期自行開發的專用系統,趨於市場套裝化系統的整合。資訊系統的應用的觀念也從資訊技術學習與建構的觀點,轉換成資訊技術的評選整合與應用。 在資訊技術(IT)應用領域,CAD系統在其專業的技術應用背景下。極早就已經成為一個套裝化軟體系統的商業型態。已歷經三十餘年的演化,基本上經過了數個技術週期的轉換,無論是廠商或是使用者本身都累積了相當的套裝化系統應用經驗;在CAD系統應用的累積經驗中觀察到「數位資產」的凝聚與「產品生命週期」的變化,對一個CAD系統使用有相當大的影響,尤以網際網路觀念技術應用後更加以突顯。所以本研究期望藉由CAD套裝化系統的經驗,以「數位資產」與「產品生命週期」的觀點,針對CAD市場主流廠商與具代表性使用者進行次級資料收集與專案訪談。由市場與使用者雙方的豐富經驗針對網際網路趨勢特性加以整合,期望建立一個網際網路環境下,CAD資訊系統的評估策略,供未來資訊系統評估規劃參考。


The booming development of Internet environment and the populace of using Internet is getting increased, integrated infrastructure problems rocket to the top of the business agenda. As new technological integration that organizations apply solutions to process fragmented and distributed information, created integration in the smooth road of business. It’s the key to unlocking information and making it available to any users. Provide a structure for defining, the biggest challenges for managers who want to implement these front-office applications. How to sort through vendors and software to select the best fit? How to ensure a successful implementation and deployment? These are the topics that the academic and industry fields pay much concern. This paper tries to realize the evaluation of Product Life Cycle and Digital Asset of measurement indicators. That contributes to keep up with all the change in applications, Technology Life Cycle and tools. In this study, collected important information about CAD/CAM, CAE: Survey, Review and Buyer’s Guide covers companies developing and marketing CAD/CAM, CAE application software products. In compiling and updating the guide, through literature reviews and interviews two case, qualitative data were classified by factors, generated a relationship model. Through exploration and discussion of this article, it helps practitioners to realize the law of Digital Asset, efficient CAD system strategies and amplify the effect of CAD System.


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11、“CAD/CAM, CAE Survey, Review & Buyers , Guide 2002”, daratech.com(2002)
