  • 學位論文


A Study of Greenery Patterns to Escalate Users` Heealth in Interior Environment

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘要 大多數的綠化行為,幾乎源自於審美行為的實踐,較少去探究植物本身為求取生存的生物行為。此種生物行為,是否對生存於此環境中的人們產生影響?或帶來其他價值?此類議題之探討,屬較缺乏的部分之一,本研究即為此種生物行為所帶來的價值進行探討。 本研究目的有三:(一)有益於室內環境空氣品質改善之綠化植物彙整。(二)符合室內健康環境因素之提出。(三)依健康環境因素,規劃以居家客廳為例之綠化形式。研究方式透過文獻資料蒐集和空間設計者之訪談做一研究分析,彙整出符合室內健康環境的構成因素,並以此因素為基礎提出綠化形式之建議。 健康環境構成因素列出如下:(一)空氣因素 (包含增加室內換氣速率、降低空氣中二氧化碳之含量(低於1000ppm)、增加空氣中之芬多精、舒適之氣味及減低懸浮粉塵濃度(低於0.15㎡∕㎎)等四項)、(二)光線因素(包含充足之光線、遮光的功能二個項目)、(三)溫熱因素(陽光直射量少、室內溫度調節控制(17℃ -27℃)兩個要點)和(四)化學性因素(含有分解有毒物質、降低輻射量、降低環境中之化學物質、室內溼度之調整(保持在40﹪-70﹪))、(五)心理性因素(包括確保個人空間的私密性、有益於老年人和殘障者心理上之安全性需求、寬敞之空間、紓解壓力、空間光影情境之變化、回歸自然、適合人們之色彩等項目)、(六)生理性因素(有降低噪音(低於50分貝)、舒緩視覺疲勞兩項)及(七)功能性因素(減少眩光、空間的界定、結合戶外良好景觀、室內空間之功能協調性、創造空間之獨創性、美化空間情境、結合其他造景元素、緩衝性空間等要點),共有七大類三十項因素。 此三十項因素由分析中可得知其與綠化的關係,共可分為三項內容:(一)植物的數量(二)植物的種類(三)綠化形式。其內容順序依健康因素不同而有不同,此亦為評估室內環境健康性高低之內容及順序,在此並提出以客廳範圍為主之基本綠化形式參考。


健康環境 綠化 室內 綠化形式


Abstract The majority afforested behavior, nearly the source from to the esthetic behavior practice, less inquired into plant itself for asks to take the survival the biological behavior. This living thing behavior, whether has the influence to the survival in this environment people? Or brings other values? Discussion this kind of subject, is one of more deficient parts, this research namely the value which brings for this biology behavior carries on the discussion. This research goal has three: (1) is beneficial room of to in the air environment quality afforests the plant to collect puts in order. (2) conforms to in the room proposing of the healthy environmental factor. (3) depends on the healthy environmental factor, plans take the home living room afforestation form as the example. The research way penetration literature material collection and talk of spatial designer makes a research analysis, collects puts in order conforms to in the room the healthy environment constitution factor, and puts forward proposal the afforested form take this factor as the foundation. The healthy environment constitution factor lists as follows: (1) air factor (contains in the increase room to take a breath the speed, reduces in the air content of the carbon dioxide (to be lower than 1000ppm), in the increase air the fragrance multi- essences, the comfortable smell and decreases the aerosol dust density (to be lower than 0.15 ㎡/㎎) and so on four items), (2) light factor (contains function two projects which sufficient light, shields light), (3) warms up the factor (the sunlight perpendicular incidence quantity to be few, the indoor temperature regulating control (17 ℃ -27 ℃) two main points) and (4) chemical properties factor (includes the decomposition virulent matter, reduces the radiation quantity, reduces in the environment in the chemical substance, the room wet a adjustment (maintains at 40 ﹪ -70 ﹪)), (5) psychology factor (including guarantees individual spatial in private dense, is beneficial to senior citizen and remnant bonding psychology secure demand, spacious space, relieves pressure, spatial light shade project and so on situation change, return nature, suitable people color of), (6) physiology factor (has reduces the noise (to be lower than 50 decibels), affable visual weary two items) and (7) function factor (the reduction dazzles, the spatial limits, unifies in the outdoors good landscape, the room function of coordination, creation space it the spatial Original, the beautified space situation, unifies its scenery element, main point and so on cushion space), altogether has seven big kinds of 30 factors. This 30 factors by the analysis in may know it with the afforested relations, altogether may divide into three contents: (1) plant's quantity (2) plant's type (3) afforestation form. Its content order different has the difference according to the healthy factor, this also content of and the order for the appraisal indoor environment healthy height, and proposes in this by the living room scope primarily basic afforestation form reference.


Interior Greenery Greenery Patte Healthy environment


劉芳綺 劉政達譯(1999)。新綠化空間設計指南(3)植物手冊。台北市:地景企業股份有限公司。


