  • 學位論文

漸進提示策略對一位國小自閉症學生自發性 口語表達能力之影響

The Effects on Spontaneous Verbal Expression toward an Elementary Student with Autism by Using the Graduated Prompting Strategy

指導教授 : 潘惠銘


中文摘要 本研究之目的在探討漸進提示策略對一位國小四年級重度自閉症學生的自發性口語表達能力之影響。研究方法是採用單一受試跨情境多基準線的實驗設計,分別在特教班、普通班和其家中三個情境中,接受基線期、介入期和追蹤期的實驗處理。 本研究之結果如下: 一、在特教班情境中,漸進提示策略能增加並維持重度自閉症學生自發性口語表達的次數。 二、在普通班情境中,漸進提示策略能增加並維持重度自閉症學生自發性口語表達的次數。 三、在重度自閉症學生的家中情境,漸進提示策略能增加並維持其自發性口語表達的次數。 另外,由三個情境的社會效度分析得知,受訪者皆肯定漸進提示策略的效果,並且認為受試者的自發性口語表達能力提升後,其干擾行為亦隨之減少。 根據上述研究結果,提出本研究之限制及對未來研究之建議。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to assess the influences of the graduated prompting strategy on spontaneous verbal expression of a student with severe autism in the fourth grade. The single-subject experimental design of multiple baseline across settings was adopted. The experimental data were collected during baseline, intervention, and follow-up phases. The results of this study could be summed up as follows. 1. Under the circumstance of a self-contained special class, the frequency of spontaneous verbal expression of the subject with severe autism had been increased and maintained by adopting the graduated prompting strategy. 2. Under the circumstance of a regular class, the frequency of spontaneous verbal expression of the subject with severe autism had been increased and maintained by adopting the graduated prompting strategy. 3. Under the circumstance of the house of the study subject with severe autism, the frequency of spontaneous verbal expression of the subject with severe autism had been increased and maintained by adopting the graduated prompting strategy. The analyses of the social validity under the three different circumstances showed that all the interviewees were all positive about the effect on graduated prompting strategy. In accordance with the positive effect on graduated prompting strategy, the disruptive behaviors of the subject were diminished after the promotion of the spontaneous verbal expression of the subject. According to the above mentioned results, some recommendations and limitations of this study for further studies were made.


