  • 學位論文


The Footprint of Growth ~ A Narrative Inquiry about the Professional Development of Junior High School Special Education Teachers

指導教授 : 何素華


本文邀請三名現職之國中特殊教育教師擔任研究參與者,以敘事探究方法,探索影響其邁向國中特殊教育教師之路的因素。並分析國中特殊教育教師專業發展之途徑、內涵與動力來源。盼望藉此瞭解國中特殊教育教師專業發展的省思及其曾經面臨的難題。依此三個目的,利用敘說訪談、敘事的書寫型式,發現他們邁向國中特教教師之路,深受父母、生命中重要他人與良師典範等因素所影響。國中特殊教育教師較常選擇的專業發展途徑有參與校內外進修、研習與閱讀等。 擔任不同的特教職務與個人之人格特質,啟動他們對各種專業發展的需求,同時也擴展其在教育專業知能、教學技巧與輔導新知等專業發展的內涵。教師因教學需求或個人興趣延伸出跨專業領域之成長,也發展教師個人生活、休閒和人際交流等充實個體生活的各種知能。教師專業發展的動力來自於閱讀他人生命故事,產生見賢思齊之動念。因特教現場的教學需求及家長的激勵激發他們更積極追求教師專業發展。為求能突破工作困境而不斷省思惕勵自我成長。此外,高度的自我期許也是專業發展的動力來源。三名研究參與者之訓練背景、人格特質、生命際遇、特教工作職務、學校場域等的差異,深深影響特教教師的專業發展。最後,盼藉由特教教師生命故事,分享其專業發展的精進,與研究者對敘事探究的省思。


With the method of narrative inquiry, this research invited three special education teachers currently employed in junior high schools as participants to study the factors influencing them to become special education teachers and their learning process. This study also analyzed their professional development approaches, contents and motivation. In addition, the study expected to understand the problems they have ever faced to enhance their professional developments. The results indicated that the social values of their parents, the appearance of some important persons in their life and mentors they met in universities are the factors that influencing them become special education teachers. The professional development approaches that the three participants selected most often, includes attending in-service training, workshops or reading related professional books and articles. Different job requirements and individual personality stimulated various professional development needs, enlarged their professional knowledge, teaching and counseling skills. The participants also expanded their professional growth to cross-field and developed various knowledge and skills related their personal lives, recreations and interpersonal communications. The motivation of their professional development included their emulation of those better than themselves, job demands, stimulation from exceptional students’ parents or guardians, difficulties encountered in job, high self-expectations for themselves. In addition, these participants also shared their introspections about their learning, attentions to issues of social events and barrier-free environments. The education background, personal characteristics, life and job experience and school environments of three participants affected their professional development deeply. Finally, the researcher shared her reflective thinking about narrative inquiry and provided suggestions for future research.


方志華 (2004)。關懷倫理學與教育。台北,洪葉。


