  • 學位論文


Strategies for Agricultural policy of Rural eco-community Planning in Taiwan –An Application for "Satiau village and Sanzun Village Sinzhou Township Changhua County" Rural area–

指導教授 : 喻肇青


全球氣候變遷下,世界各地面對環境、糧食等問題,農業的發展亦是未來關鍵,然台灣農業發展策略並未回應未來趨勢。近年農地興建農舍、集村…等政策問題,無法同時關照農業發展與農村建設,也因此易淪為土地炒作的對象。在此情況下,政府急促推行新的「農村再生」政策,想藉此解決農村以往的農村問題,但若無良好的規劃計畫,這對農村永續而言仍無法關照農業發展。農村與農業需要整體性的規劃構思,且要有生態的理念思維融入,才能永續經營農村與農業。 本研究以生態村落理念作為農村規劃策略方向,以“彰化縣溪州鄉三條村三圳村”農村聚落做為村研究對象,以真實的基地模擬規劃計畫。本論文分為兩部分,其內容如下:   第一部分整理有關農地政策的議題及農村相關法規的探討,並收集有關生態村落規劃理念的資料,從中整理出一般原則及脈絡做為通用模式。在農地政策下的農村社區規劃,透過研究者本身實地田野調查,從實際的農村脈絡中在整理出符合生態村落理念的原則,在將其轉為可實際應用的地方性模式,以此作為“三條圳”農村聚落規劃操作依據。   第二部分以假設模擬農村生態社區規劃方式,將村落範圍內土地重新整合再利用,期望能探討其符合在地的操作模式的規劃方案,並以農村再生發展區為操作方向,進一步討論其實踐的可能性。   政策問題提出因應對策且將整理後的生態村落理念落實於實際地理環境中,有條件的以規畫圖面呈現,作為未來農村規劃永續發展的省思。


The world face issues such as the environment and food, the development of agriculture is also the future focus On Global Climate Change. But Taiwan's agricultural development strategy did not respond to future trends. In recent years, the farmland build farmhouse or collective farmhouses, can't at the same time take care of agriculture and rural development, therefore become land speculation the farmland. In this case, Government to introduce new the ”Rural regeneration Act”, to solve the old rural issues,But bad planning program not sustainable and can't having regard to agricultural development from rural. Rural and Agricultural, need for holistic planning concept, and into the ecological thinking, to sustainable rural and agricultural.   This study, the concept of eco-villages as rural planning policy direction. An application for “Satiau Village and Sanzun Village Sinzhou Township Changhua County” rural area. Real base simulation planning project, this thesis is divided into two parts, as follows:   The first part of the finishing on agricultural land policy issues and relevant laws and regulations in rural areas, and collect information about the eco-village planning concepts, from sorting out the general principles and the context as a generic model. Rural communities in agricultural land policy planning, through researcher field investigation, the from actual rural context in sorting out the principles of the eco-village concept in local mode into practical application, as “Satiaozun village” rural settlement planning operation basis.   The second part to assume that the simulation rural ecological community planning, re-integration of the villages within the land reuse. Hope to explore it meets the ground mode of operation planning program, and rural regeneration development direction, further discussion of the possibility of their practice.   Policy issues to submit response strategies, and the implementation of the eco-village concept after finishing in the actual geographic environment ,the conditional to regulate drawing surface rendering, as a reflection of the future sustainable development of rural planning.


