  • 學位論文


Situational Exploration of Correctional Space – with a Case Study of Prisons

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


監獄是社會控制的最後一道防線,它同時扮演著規訓與懲罰的角色,鐵窗、高牆、層層戒備與特殊的空間形式,往往模糊了監獄的真正作用,監獄空間的深層意義是讓受刑人透過再教育,而得以重回正常的社會生活模式。在受刑人的再教育過程中,監獄的特殊空間形式亦扮演著潛移默化的教化功能,使受刑人在空間被影響而不自知,藉由身體知覺空間中的環境因子,與空間相互建構而在主體心中形成一情境,此情境必須要能反映出監獄空間結構的深層意義。因此,在讓受刑人重回社會為前提之下,矯治性應該是監獄空間的重要功能之一,以一種特殊的空間結構讓人在空間中產生預期轉變。 人類行為的產生是主体在各種外在訊息中進行解讀與溝通,主體內心之認知若與環境中的訊息相抵觸時,則可以觸動人的反省機制,監獄的環境因子必需能提供適當的訊息來源,讓人們透過解讀空間中的訊息以調整主体面對環境的態度。 本研究經過探討監獄的意義、犯罪心理、認知與治療、情境與知覺…等相關文獻後,推導出監獄空間與受刑人所共構出的空間情境共有五項: 一、 磨難中的心靈自由; 二、 混沌中拉出的主體脈絡; 三、 沒有終點的無限學習; 四、 自然環境的煎熬與萃煉; 五、 最卑微的基本存在; 而再根據以上五項空間情境論述,以更高視點洞察出監獄之矯治性空間情境影響受刑人而產生之心理感受應有二項: 一、 體認外在秩序中的小我 二、 修煉內在心靈中的大我 並期望以上監獄之矯治性空間情境的論述,對於後續進行監獄空間設計的能有正面意義之作用。


監獄 犯罪心理 矯治 空間情境 認知


Prisons are the last defense line of social control. They play the role of discipliners and punishers at the same time. Iron bars, insurmountable walls, heavy securities and special space format often blur the real function of prisons. The deep meaning of prison space is to return prisoners to normal social lives through reeducation. In the process of reeducation, the special space forms of prisons also function as an educational setting that allows prisoners to be transformed unknowingly. The body senses the environmental factors of the space, co-construct with the space and form a situation in the heart of the subject. This situation needs to reflect the deep meaning of the spatial structure of prisons. Therefore, in view of the purpose to return prisoners to society, correction should be one of the important functions of prison space, which through a special spatial structure causes people to experience expected transformation in the space. Human behavior is generated as a result of the subject’s interpreting various external messages and engagement in communication. That the internal cognition of the subject contradicts information of the environment triggers man’s reflection mechanism. The environmental factors of prisons need to provide appropriate information and allows people to adjust their attitude toward the environment through interpreting messages of the space. Following exploration of literatures pertinent to the meaning of prisons, criminal psychology, cognition and treatment, situation and awareness… this study deduces five space situations co-constructed by prison space and prisoners: 1. Mental freedom in torment; 2. Subject’s orderliness out of chaos; 3. Endless learning; 4. Natural environment’s test by fire and tribulation; 5. The humblest basic existence. According to the five space situation dialectics, this study from a higher perspective identifies two of prisoners’ mental perceptions generated as a result of the impact of correctional space situations on prisoners: 1. Sensing the lesser self in the midst of external orders; 2. Developing the greater self in the heart. It is the researcher’s sincere hope that the situation dialectics of correctional space above will contribute significantly to the ensuing design of prison space.


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