  • 學位論文


A Study of Particpation of an Educational Interest Group in the Guade 1-9 Curriculum Policy-making Process in Taiwan-A Case of the Homemaker's Union and Foundation

指導教授 : 黃炳煌


本研究旨在探討我國民間教育利益團體參與九年一貫課程政策制定過程的實際情形,並以主婦聯盟為例。本研究將「九年一貫課程政策」過程分成政策形成與政策執行階段,進而分析每一個階段主婦聯盟可資運用之資源、接近管道及參與策略等實際情形,俾對於我國利益團體實際參與教育政策之梗概有所領略,進而提出具體之建議。 為達成上述目的,本研究採用個案研究法、文件分析法及深度訪談法等三種。在個案研究部分係以主婦聯盟為研究對象,探討及分析其參與「九年一貫課程」教育政策之制定過程;文件分析部分則廣泛蒐集86年至93年相關文件資料並加以分析。但有些資訊因涉及組織內部結構與實際運作情形,無法全然自文獻資料中加以蒐集。因此,除了分析二手資料之外,仍必須藉由對相關單位進行深入訪談,才得以瞭解利益團體參與教育政策之實際現況,以彌補文獻之不足。 本研究所得結果發現:主婦聯盟長期以來對教育議題的關切,使其在九年一貫課程政策制定過程中,容易利用組織資源、接近管道、參與策略等一系列的活動,來對政府或社會大眾進行各式各樣、直接或間接的不同影響。就政策過程而言,政府雖未能如主婦聯盟所要求的真正做到決策透明、制定的日程勿急躁及廣開民意參與討論,然而此次課程政策的制定能納入非教育體制內的意見,如主婦聯盟等民間團體的參與已是一大進步,教育政策制定更符合民主社會多元參與的需求。可知民間團體在此過程中,絕對扮演一個非常重要的角色,其影響力不容小覷,有其探討及研究價值。後續研究者也可以從不同理論架構來探討利益團體對教育政策的影響,俾能提出更精闢的建議。


The purpose of the study is to investigate the actual situation of the participation of an educational interest group in the process of the 1-9 curriculum policy-making in Taiwan. The process of the study of the 1-9 curriculum policy-making is divided into two stages: policy formation and policy execution. It analyzes the actual situation of Homemaker’s Union and Foundation’s utilization resources, methods of access and the strategy of the participation in each stage of policy-making process. To apprehend generally the educational policy in the actual participation of the interest group in Taiwan, the study brings up some specific suggestions. To reach the purpose, the study adopts three methods: the case study, the document analysis and the in-depth interview. Case study: the Homemaker’s Union and Foundation as the subject. Use it to take part in the process of an educational interest group on the 1-9 curriculum policy-making. Document analysis: search and analyze the related document data extensively from 1997 to 2004. Because some of them are included in the inner organization and the actual situation, the analysis couldn’t collect entirely from the related document data. Beside the analysis of the secondhand data, the research needs to do the in-depth interview in order to understand the actual situation in the educational policy from the participation of the interest group to make up for the inadequate data. The result of the research found that Homemaker’s Union concerning deeply about the educational issue for a long time, uses the resources of organization, methods of access and the strategy of the participation easily during making the procedures of the 1-9 Curriculum Policy etc., to carry on direct or indirect different influence of all kinds on the government or the people. To the process of the policy strategy, although the government couldn’t reach Homemaker’s Union requests that decision is transparent, the schedule made is not irritable and open widely to the participation of educational group’s discussion, the formulation of this strategy course can include the opinion from the non-educational system, which the participation of Homemaker’s Union is a big progress and the educational policy strategy formulation accords to the demand of democracy with diverse participation. From the process of the policy-making, the group plays a very important role in this course and its influence does not allow to be ignorant. Follow-up researcher can investigate the impact on policy for education of interests group from different theory structure too, in order to put forward more penetrating suggestion.




