  • 學位論文


The Study of Japanese Collaborative Relationship among Makers and Retailers

指導教授 : 任燿廷 任燿廷


現在的流通,隨著大型零售業的成長、市場上的排名上升、消費市場的成熟化,伴隨而來的零售業間的競爭越形激烈。使得通路之中的製造商、通路商以及零售商之間原有的垂直型市場通路關係面臨了巨大的衝擊。八零年代中期由威名開始具有實驗性質的製販同盟專案,藉由製造商與零售商之間戰略同盟關係的締結,降低了通路間的衝突,並建構了更為理想的通路關係。 本論文藉由賽局理論及戰略性同盟兩種策略,進行製販同盟案例的分析及日美之間製販同盟的比較,進而探討日本式同盟關係應有的面貌。在進入個案分析之前,分別整理有關日本零售業於二次大戰後之歷史發展、業界現況及特徵,以及各研究案例之發展歷程、經營策略的狀況。 本論文由五個章節所形成。第一章為序論。探討研究動機、目的、方法、範圍及構成內容。第二章則為先行研究。以通路買賣雙方之間的對立性及協調性為研究焦點,針對同盟關係的定義、動機、類型、應用及優點依序進行探討。第三章則由近年個別通路與市場相關的學說來針對垂直型策略聯盟類型之一的製販同盟,進行理論上的說明。第四章以代表通路現狀的實際案例,進行分析並進行日美之比較。最後一章則為結論。 本論文之研究結論為製販同盟雙方的合作關係,是建立在製造業與零售業彼此競爭優勢的結合,藉由市場通路力量的掌握以及衝突的解決,形成垂直型通路同盟關係。並將重心放置在流通總成本的降低及PB商品的共同研究開發之上。藉由案例的分析比較,也逐漸摸索到日本式製販同盟的雛型。


市場通路 策略聯盟 威名 寶鹼 花王 JUSCO


As all the major retailers continue to grow band as the consumer market becomes more mature, the competition in the retailing industry is becoming fiercer than before. The traditional market channel that involves manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers is also being severely impacted. During the mid-eighties, Wal-Mart started to establish experimental strategic alliances with its manufacturing supplier. The alliances allow Wal-Mart to leverage off the unique relationship and provide better product pricing to consumers, eliminate competition and become(make) a better market channel. This paper intends to do a detailed analysis on how strategic alliances form and compare the different strategic alliances which form between manufacturers and retailers in the United States and Japan. Before going into each individual case of such strategic alliances to investigate their operations, the article provides an in-depth history background, characteristic and the current development of the Japanese retailers since World War II. This conclusion focuses on the partnership of the strategic alliances. The strategic alliances create a mutual beneficial situation for both manufacturers and retailers by combining their strong suit. The alliances allow the manufacturers and retailers to control the market channel together and eliminate conflicts. Instead of putting resources into competition, the strategic alliances between manufacturers and retailers make them put more emphasis on cost reduction and co-research on PB products. By multiple case analyses, the paper educes the possibilities of Japanese strategic alliance.


market channel strategic alliance Wal-Mart P&G Kao Jusco


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