  • 學位論文


Integrating information literacy into curriculum through team teaching at the Ching Yun University

指導教授 : 林信成


資訊科技時代,青年學子雖善於使用電腦工具,但對資訊素養的認知卻普遍不足。技職體系的學生,畢業後面臨瞬息萬變的產業界,如何善用資訊素養以提升其競爭力則更形重要。本研究的目的,在於探求「資訊素養融入學科協同教學」的成功模式、執行流程、執行架構以及其可行性,並藉以提升資訊素養教育的普及性。 透過文獻探討,歸納了四項資訊素養教育要點,分別是:1.資訊素養所含括的範圍,隨著時代不斷增加與延伸;2.資訊素養教育所運用的學習理論非常多元;3.「資訊素養融入學科協同教學」是營造資訊素養學習情境的最佳方法;4.可藉由教師、館員以協同教學的方式進行。綜合中、外相關案例,歸納出六項資訊素養協同教學的成功要素。分別為:1.擬定清楚、明確的目標;2.建構權責分明的架構以及確立執行流程;3.計畫相關人員之間充分的溝通以及明確的狀況;4.行政體系的充分支援;5.善用資訊素養、協同教學多元性的特質;6.定訂良好的成效評鑑機制。 實驗課程在該校以三種教學模式以及二種協同教學類型,就四門學科、六個班級進行。研究時間自94年5月至95年1月23日止。利用參與觀察法「圈內人觀點」之特性,參與計畫及課程,以蒐羅計畫相關會議記錄、晤談文件。並於課程前後各施予一次問卷調查。並在計畫結束後,針對教師、館員和部分學生進行質性訪談。根據量化分析結果,得知該校的試行計畫並未全然成功,且不同的教學模式也會產生不同的成效。透過質性的分析,就不同教學模式歸納出成功以及失敗的因素,建議將教學模式設計為「傳統教室授課+線上教學平台+課堂觀察+實際上機操作演練」,館員與教師的協同教學類型則可以定位在館員參與所有課程設計並加入教學評鑑的行列,但其所耗費的時間也會相對增加。最後,以上述六項成功要素逐項檢視該校試行計畫,就實施過程加以剖析,提出問題,並據以給予修改的建議。


In the age of information technology, students who are skilled in using computer tools are not necessarily well equipped with information literacy. Information literacy will prepare the students from technological and vocational education system for competitiveness in facing the rapidly changing industries. The purpose of this thesis is to explore possible modes, procedures, and frameworks based on which integration of information literacy into curriculum through team teaching can be successfully achieved to promote information literacy of the students. The literature review reveals that information literacy is characterized by: (1) It is an area that has been constantly expanding with time. (2) It involves the use of a variety of learning theories. (3) An optimal way to construct a situated learning context with information literacy is to integrate information literacy into curriculum. (4) To integrate information literacy into curriculum can be implemented through team teaching based on a collaboration of faculties and librarians. By reviewing four university cases in Taiwan and the United States, successful promotion of information literacy can be attributed to six elements: (1) Making a clear and explicit objective;(2)Establishing a clear framework for responsibility and procedures to practice;(3) Requiring frequent communication among teaching-team members and specifying teaching strategy;(4) Sufficient supports from the administration;(5)Taking advantage of the diversity of information literacy and team-teaching strategy;(6) Inventing a good mechanism to evaluate the outcome. There were three teaching modes and two team-teaching types employed to experiment with four undergraduate courses for six classes at the Ching Yun University. The study, which started from May 1st, 2005 to January 23rd 2006, was conducted principally by the method of participant observation. All meetings and interviews records were collected, and a prior-to-class and a post-class questionnaire survey were given to each class. Arranged were qualitative interviews with teachers, librarians and part of the students. According to the quantitative analysis, all the results are not as satisfactory as expected. Different teaching modes resulted in different learning outcomes. It is suggested that the teaching mode be a combination of classroom teaching, instruction by online teaching platform, observation in class, and online practice. The role of the librarians in team-teaching mode may be concentrated in course design and teaching evaluation, both of which will relatively increase their working time. Based on the qualitative analysis, each teaching mode is inspected by the six elements mentioned above, so that the factors influencing the outcome of the study are analyzed. Advices to improve the research process adopted in the thesis are also given.


李德竹(民87)。由圖書館資訊服務規畫我國圖書館資訊素養之培育方針與評量指標 (國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,NSC 86-2413-H002-031)。臺北市:臺灣大學圖書館系暨研究所。
