  • 學位論文


A Study on Construct Demand of Conference Literature Management System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱炯友


本研究旨在探討國內會議文獻管理系統的建置需求,藉由文獻探討國內外會議文獻管理之建置與發展現況。首先分析會前會議管理系統之模組,再了解機構典藏軟體DSpace作為會後典藏檢索系統之功能,提出會議文獻管理系統之需求。本研究透過深度訪談方式瞭解產、官、學界三者對於會議文獻管理系統建置之看法。根據調查與研究結果,對國內未來會議文獻管理提出結論與建議。 本研究結論如下:(一)國內會議文獻管理面臨之問題在於國內學術會議公告訊息管道不健全,學術機構無法主動完整徵集與掌握會議文獻之出版。(二)國外會議文獻管理之處理方式有二種:一為以會前會議管理系統管理會議,產生原生(born digital)數位化文獻建置於機構典藏庫。二為提交電子會議文獻至資料庫,以資料庫的方式管理。(三)建構國內會議文獻管理系統之方式,應以建置會後典藏檢索系統為主要方向。(四)會議文獻管理系統建置之考量,有三大因素:一為建置技術因素、二為成本因素、三為使用者需求因素。(五)縱使受訪者認為以建置會議文獻資料庫為主要發展方向,而會前會議管理系統仍有其建置之需求:一為減少主辦單位作業之流程與時間、二為可有一統一公告會議訊息之管道、三為可掌控會議文章品質,提昇會議文獻之價值。 本研究根據研究結果提出之建議如下:(一)建立全國性會議文獻合作典藏機制。(二)各校應盡速建立學術單位中之會議文獻管理系統。(三)政府與民間尋求彼此合作共同開發學術會議之相關服務。(四)圖書館作為扮演機構典藏徵集會議文獻之角色。


This study aims to investigate the construct demand of conference literature management system in Taiwan. According to literature review, the conference literature management of construction and recent development in other countries and Taiwan are also investigated. First, the author analysis the model of pre – conference management system, and discuss the function of DSpace as a post- conference archive and retrieval system. This research raises the demand of conference literature management system with result of interview and proposes some suggestion of conference literature management system in Taiwan. This study’s conclusions are: 1.The problem that domestic conference literature management faces is: in the domestic academic conference to announce the news pipeline is not perfect. The academic organization is unable to take the initiative in collecting the conference literature of a meeting completely. 2.There are two ways when processing conference literature management in other countries. One is use pre-conference management system to manage the meeting to produce born digital literature in the institutional repository. Another is to submit the electronic conference literature to the database, as a means of database management. 3.The main direction to establish the conference literature management system in Taiwan is to construct the institutional repository. 4.To establish the conference literature management system, the technical, the cost and users’ demand must be concerned. 5.Even though reviewers take establishment conference literature database as the main development direction, there is still a need for the conference management system. This study’s suggestions are: 1.Establish a nationwide conference literature cooperation archive mechanism. 2.In the university, officer should (as fast as possible) establish conference literature management system as soon as possible in academic unit. 3.The public sectors and the private sectors should cooperate with each other to develop the academic conference service. 4.The library takes role of collecting conference literature.


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