  • 學位論文


A Study on Needs of Professional Growth and Ways of Participation for Expert Teachers in Elementary School.

指導教授 : 吳明清


論文提要內容: 本研究旨在探討國民小學專家教師專業成長需求與參與方式,並依專家教師之不同個人背景變項,分析其專業成長需求與參與方式之差異情形。研究者以自編問卷,選定國民教育輔導團團員共261人為專家教師,實施問卷調查。 本研究中的專業成長需求包含課程知能、教學知能、訓輔知能、人際知能、行政知能、研發知能等六個專業面向的成長需求;而專業成長參與方式則包含專業成長的參與型式與參與程度二個層面。問卷調查資料經採描述統計及t-test、one-way ANOVA等統計方法加以分析後獲致以下結論: 一、 專家教師專業成長需求以「人際知能」之需求最高。 二、 專家教師專業成長參與型式以「研習式」成長活動最多。 三、 專家教師專業成長之參與程度在「涉入程度」方面頗深。 四、 最高學歷、服務年資、擔任職務不同之專家教師的專業成長需求有顯著差異。 五、 年齡、服務年資、擔任職務及團員領域不同之專家教師的專業成長參與型式有顯著差異。 六、 服務年資、學校規模不同之專家教師的專業成長參與程度有顯著差異。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出若干建議,以供教育行政機關、學校、專家教師及後續研究者之參考。


The purposes of this study was to understand the needs of professional growth and ways of participation for expert teachers in elementary school, and to analyze varieties of those needs and ways due to background variables of expert teachers. Data were collected by conducting a questionnaire survey. The sample of this survey research consisted of school teachers who were acting as teaching advisers of Elementary Education Advisory Group. A total of 261 teaching advisers were selected as expert teachers. Data of the survey study were analyzed by using descriptive statistics as well as t-test and one- way ANOVA. The following conclusions were derived from the synthesis of research findings: 1.Professional growth in “Interpersonal relationship skills” is highly needed for most expert teachers. 2.Participation in “Study and grow up activities” is the most popular type of participation for expert teachers. 3.“Involvement degree” is considerablely high in the professional growth participation for most expert teachers. 4.There are significant differences in professional growth needs due to education background, seniority and position of expert teachers. 5.There are significant differences in types of participation due to age, seniority, position and field of major of expert teachers. 6.There are significant differences in degree of participation due to the seniority, scale of the school of expert teachers. Based on conclusions, this research proposed some suggestions for educational administrative authorities, school organization, expert teachers, and further studies.


吳青蓉、張景媛(1997)。英語科專家 / 生手教師課堂教學之研究。師大學報,


