  • 學位論文


Research of The Relationship between International Festival Patterns and Visitors' Lifestyle

指導教授 : 曾義明


近年來由於台灣漸漸走向國際化的舞台,中央政府為因應時代變遷,開始有了大動作的政策調整,為吸引更多國際觀光客來台旅遊,台灣地方節慶似乎已成為交通部觀光局的重點工作,而各地方政府也因此而形成一股「節慶瘋」。 隨著地方節慶活動數量的劇增,舉辦單位必須知道要如何把活動辦好?如何才能吸引民眾的參與?因此,活動的策略行銷企劃變得相對重要,所以藉由了解活動參與者的生活型態,以促進活動企劃的執行,是本研究探討的重點之一。本文在研究架構上,主要探討影響節慶活動參與者生活型態之關鍵因素,並進一步探討不同節慶活動參與者之間生活型態之異同。 以2008年北部地區縣市政府所舉辦的節慶活動為研究範圍,其節慶活動分別為新竹內灣野薑花節、台北泰山獅王文化節、台北國際牛肉麵節,本研究以問卷調查的方式進行便利抽樣,受訪者以活動現場參與活動的現場民眾為主要對象,研究時間於2008年10月18日至2008年11月16日,總共發放數為153份,每個節慶活動各發出約51份。回收後經由統計,共有143份有效樣本,平均有效問卷回收率93.46%。,問卷回收後經由統計分析,來進行研究。 研究結果發現: 一、 三個節慶活動的參與者相對於在積極學習因素的表現上達到顯著差異,其中牛肉麵節的參與者在積極學習因素上的表現顯著優於野薑花節的參與者。作者推論這也許和活動地點的地區性有關,愈是在文明的地方,學習的因素成份就愈為重要,而舉辦單位也可以以此做為一項吸引民眾的考量因子。 二、 三個節慶活動的參與者相對於在新奇嘗鮮因素的表現上達到顯著差異,其中獅王文化節的參與者在新奇嘗鮮因素表現上顯著大於野薑花節和牛肉麵節的參與者。作者推論可能是因為舉辦單位在宣傳手法上的不同,也就是說,適當的宣傳能有效的提高民眾的興趣因素。


節慶活動 生活型態


In the recent years, because of moving gradually toward an international stage in Taiwan, the Central Government began to make major moves policy adjustments to adapt to changing times. They formed the festive madness to local government to attract more international tourists traveling to Taiwan. Therefore, Taiwan’s local festival seems to have become the focus of the work of the Tourism Bureau. With the sharp increase of local festival, organizers must know how to run their activities, as well as how to attract public participation. For this reason, the activities of strategic marketing have become very important. To understand the activities of participants’ lifestyle and to promote the planning implementation are the focus of our discussion. In our study, we showed that the major factors of their lifestyle. With affect the participants’ lifestyle and we also explored the similarities and differences. By the scope of our study, we organized the festive activities for city and county governments around Northern Taiwan in 2008 , including Hsinchu Neiwan Butterfly Lily Festival, Taishan Lion Dance Culture Festival, and Taipei International New Row Mian Festival. In our research, we chosed the respondents form scene populace and used the questionnaire survey to perform the convenience sampling. Altogether 153 questionnaires, an average of 51per festival activity, we issued form Oct 2008 to Nov 2008. We have 143 valid samples and the questionnaire returns-ratio is 93.46%. Those results were analyzed by statistical procedures. This study shows the following results: (1) Our findings showed that there are two factors affecting the participants’life pattern: We discover the specific difference in study participation, especially in Taipei International New Row Mian Festival. We purpose that the regional linkage of operating location is the major reason and suggest that organizers should take this factor into consideration. (2) We find the other particular element is Investment interest, particularly in Taishan Lion Dance Culture Festival. We infer that the remarkable event is the different propaganda technique. Furthermore, we consider that the suitable propaganda may effectively enhance people’s interest..


Festival Patterns Lifestlye


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