  • 學位論文


A Study of Knowledge Transfer in the Knowledge Community -- A case of advertising company

指導教授 : 賴玲玲


本研究目的在於藉由探討廣告產業之知識社群的知識移轉,了解廣告產業應用那些知識社群來活絡組織內部的知識分享與溝通,以及使用那些方式來進行知識的移轉與傳遞,另一方面透過研究知識社群的知識移轉,協助組織改善目前知識移轉的問題,以達知識管理的功效。因此,本研究以廣告公司作為研究對象,以個案分析為研究方法,期望藉由深度訪談並輔以焦點團體訪談的方式,期望將受訪者所提供的資訊中整合與分析出該個案公司所需的知識類型、來源、知識社群的類型與知識移轉的方式,最後提出研究結論與建議。本研究結論與建議如下: (一) 知識社群確實可促進組織知識分享與流通 (二) 知識社群之共同願景強化成員的對知識分享的認同 (三) 開放的組織文化與環境有助於建立一個創造力的環境 (四) 工作團隊是維繫組織知識分享的重要功臣 (五) 專家性移轉可使組織整體的知識進行全面性的傳遞與流通 (六) 技術配合:提供相關分享與儲存知識的平台與系統 (七) 建立知識地圖:協助員工快速獲得組織知識 (八) 獎勵制度:提供員工分享知識的誘因


The purpose of the study is to investigate the knowledge communities of advertising industry, in order to understand what kind of knowledge communities should be applied by advertising industry to improve knowledge sharing and communication within organization. Otherwise, analyzing how knowledge communities transfer tacit and explicit knowledge is in order to reach the efficacy of knowledge management and to improve present situation of knowledge transfer. Therefore, a local advertising agency in Taiwan is the case for this study, and this study applied in-depth interview and focus group in order to analyze types and sources of knowledge, types of knowledge communities and strategies of knowledge transfer in the chosen advertising agency. According to the results of the study, the conclusions are as follows: 1. Knowledge community can indeed promote the sharing and flow of organizational knowledge 2. Vision of knowledge community strengthen the community members' recognition of knowledge sharing. 3. The open organization culture and environment contribute to a creative environment. 4. Work team is very important to maintain knowledge sharing within organization. 5. Expert transfer can promote comprehensive knowledge delivering and circulating within organization. 6. Technical cooperation: provide a platform and system for knowledge sharing and storage. 7. Building a knowledge map: to help staff can quick access to organizational knowledge. 8. Incentive system: to provide incentives for employees to share knowledge.


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