  • 學位論文


The Economic Development of Foochow People in Sarawak(1900-1962)

指導教授 : 黃建淳


1900年在布魯克政府的政策之下,黃乃裳已訂約的方式,率領閩北福州人移民至砂拉越詩巫墾殖。1904年衛理教會富雅各牧師承接「新福州墾場」事務,在劉家洙與黃景和的協助之下,設立教會與學校、引進橡膠種植、機械化的設備及建設民生設備,並且配合政府土地政策與人口移入法令,藉由地緣、血緣、業緣等組織凝聚福州人力量,為福州人帶來經濟上的新契機。 因第一次世界大戰與世界經濟衰退的影響,橡膠價格跌落,加上1928年詩巫全城遭受祝融之災,造成許多福州人因而失業。1942—1945年日軍佔領期間,人民生活陷入困境,當地經濟困窘,社會發展停頓。福州人面對經濟上的困境、政府政策的轉變,以及日軍佔領統治,他們緊密結合同鄉力量,維護自身團體利益,並且不斷擴增其商業版圖。 二次大戰結束後,福州人口快速成長,以及砂拉越交通的改善,福州人得以大量向外擴張,找尋土地發展機會與開發林木資源。而散佈於各地的衛理教會與福州公會,是福州人向外擴散的據點,使得福州人在砂拉越各地進行商貿活動時,能獲得同鄉幫助。並以福州人在銀行業與火鋸業上的發展為例,藉由「福華銀行」、「啟德行」、「W.T.K.機構」、「常青集團」、「公明銀行」的研究,實際探討福州人在砂拉越經濟發展的情況。 本文以文獻研究和歷史社會學作為研究主軸,又輔以田野調查與訪談作為其研究方法。來探討二十世紀初期移民至砂拉越的福州人,在馬來西亞成立之前,如何以人口的優勢和族群的團結,成功在各個行業順利發展,使得福州人在砂拉越的經濟立於不敗之地。


砂拉越 詩巫 福州 經濟 銀行業 火鋸業


In1900, Wong Nai Siong recruited Foochow People to Sibu region of Sarawak, they developed river bank of the Rajang. In 1904, James Hoover was appointed as “Protector of the Foochow”, Lau Hoi Chew, Wong King Ho, and he cooperated to built schools and churches, recommend plating rubber, constructed modern equipment. Foochow people maintained contacting with kinsmen or friends and neighbors in China, gathering their power to develop economy. The price of rubber fell sharply in the World War One and The Great Depression. In 1928, Sibu had a fire accident, therefore Foochow People lost their jobs. During the Japanese Occupation in 1942-1945, people were mired in difficulties; the development of society was stopped. Confronting these difficulties, Foochow People still advance courageously, expanding their commercial domain in Sarawak. After World War Two, the population of Foochow People grew up rapidly. The traffic of Sarawak got better, they moved to the other regions. The Methodist Church and Foochow Association distributed to Sarawak, so Foochow People could help each other in everywhere. They assembled own economic strength, especially in baking and lumber industry, by discussing Foochow’s businesses to understand Foochow People’s economic development in Sarawak. In the thesis ,we can discuss that Foochow People emigrate from China to Sarawak in early 20th, to 1962 this period, Foochow People how to use the advantage of population and dialect group’s strength to develop successfully in every trade and let Foochow People stand in the top of Sarawak’s economy.


Sarawak Sibu Foochow Economy Banking LumberIndustry


