  • 學位論文


A Study of the Modern Nation State and the National sovereignty — Cross Strait Relation and Nation State

指導教授 : 許慶雄




National society is built by sovereignty state, regardless of join the national organization or activity between states, it has to be sovereignty state. The United Nations (abbreviated UN in English), is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace.It is the most developed international organization or it can be the core mechanism. Base on this knowledge, state which join U.N. represent the independence of sovereignty. The regulation of one state is base. It is structure on nation, of the existence of nation is based on the gatherings of people. It can be seen for one state development, if the nation can be dominated efficiently. The relationship of people governance within one state can be called ethnic group or nation. It’s important to understand the connection between the two, then to discover the issue of state, nation, ethnic group, and nationalism. Start from 1776 US independence act and 1789 France revolution, it has developed to national sovereignty. Almost all state today use national sovereignty as their state principle. Under national sovereignty, the nation entitled their state the power to execute leginmate regulation. In 21st century, there are many tools for states to communicate. The maturity of international organization is growing rapidly. The interaction within national society and national politic is inevitable influence. It aim be anticipated that Taiwan can be a shinning star on world stage. It is the conclusion of this essay.


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1. 史明 著 (2007)《民主主義》,北縣:新莊市中平路110巷17號3樓。
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