  • 學位論文


Tourism law in mainland China for mainland tourists to come to Taiwan for sightseeing of affect and coping

指導教授 : 張五岳


開放陸客來台政策執行後,對於台灣影響層面可概分為,對觀光產業及對相關從業人員兩個面向,開放大陸觀光客來台對台灣可帶來正面的影響,如:促進旅遊資源合理人潮差距分配、有效帶動台灣旅遊人口成長、提升台灣之國內生產毛額,並能有效提升相關從業人員就業機會。 然而,開放陸客來台對台灣亦可能產生負面影響,如:過度經濟依賴陸客客源、對既有旅客產生排擠現象、台灣人民旅遊之機會成本提高、陸客人數未受到適當控管、政府缺乏對台灣業者的保障與規範、團費積欠致影響我國旅行業者營運等,諸多陋習弊病相伴而生。 2008年擴大大陸居民來台觀光,對於台灣觀光產業而言,是加速發展的突破點,在台灣知名的旅遊景點(如故宮、台北101、日月潭、野柳等)或是觀光飯店,都可發現大陸旅客觀光團的踨跡。但是在2011年兩岸同意開放陸客來台自由行後,藉由自由行高移動性的特點,將大陸居民來台的影響進一步至一般人民的接觸與生活之中,也隨著熱門景點的飽和與行程多元性,陸客得藉由租賃交通工具、選擇居住特色民宿、透過旅遊景點深度旅遊台灣,這一些都是陸客團無法影響的觀光產業,自由行模式會逐漸加重大陸居民對台灣觀光產業的影響。 本研究的分析可以看出,2013年中國大陸旅遊法的實施,對陸客出國觀光將產生一定程度的衝擊,連帶也會衝擊我國的觀光產業發展,過去由低團費所引發的一連串問題,也會有所變化,我國政府及業者應藉助此一措施,順勢提昇我國接待觀光客的品質,以期能吸引更多的陸客來台觀光。


After the implementation of the policy of opening mainland tourists to Taiwan, the affects can be divided into two levels: to the tourism industries and to the related practitioners. Opening the mainland tourists to Taiwan may have a positive impact, such as: promotion of the reasonable allocation of tourism resources on crowds gap, effectively promote Taiwan tourism population growth, improve gross domestic product (GDP) in Taiwan, and can effectively enhance the employment opportunities in related industries. However, opening mainland tourists to Taiwan may also have a negative impact, such as: excessive economic dependence on mainland tourists, to cause a crowding phenomenon on existing tourists, to increase the opportunity cost on Taiwanese tourists, the number of mainland tourists is not under appropriate control, the lack of security and protection from the government of Taiwan to the tourism industries , the owed tour fees affect travel industry operations, etc., and many other disadvantages occur concomitantly. Expanding mainland residents to Taiwan for sightseeing in 2008 is the breakthrough to accelerate the development of Taiwan tourism industry. In Taiwan famous tourist attractions (such as the National Palace Museum, Taipei 101, Sun Moon Lake, Yehliu, etc.) or hotels, can be found mainland tourists. However, in 2011 the two sides agreed to open the free exercise of mainland tourists to Taiwan. With the characteristics of high mobility of the free exercise, mainland residents directly affect the daily lives of the people in Taiwan. And also with the saturated popular attractions and travel pluralism, mainland tourists are capable of a deep travel to Taiwan by leasing transportation, choosing characteristic B&B . These are what mainland groups are unable to influence the tourism industry. The free exercise mode will gradually increase the effects of the mainland residents on Taiwan sightseeing industries. Analysis of this study can be seen, the implementation of 2013 mainland China tourism law, will cause a certain level of impacts on mainland tourists, and jointly the development of Taiwan's tourism industry. A series of problems in the past caused by low fares will change accordingly. Our government and related industries should improve the quality of Taiwan's tourist reception in order to attract more mainland tourists to Taiwan for sightseeing.


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