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Observation of Three Lepidopterous Pests Attacking Leguminous Vegetables in Taiwan


本試驗觀察台中地區為害豆類蔬菜之三種鱗翅目害蟲-豆莢螟(Maruca testulalis(Hübner))、粗脛捲葉蛾(Cryptophlebia ombrodelta (Lower))及波紋小灰蝶(Lampides boeticusLinnaeus)等之形態及發生概況。豆莢螟終年皆有發生,但以10月至翌年4月間發生密度較高,主要為害菜豆、豇豆、毛豆。5~7月間於室溫下飼養,其卵、幼蟲、蛹及成蟲期分別為4~5,20~24,4~7及2~5天,完成一個世代約需32~40天。粗脛捲葉蛾主要發生在高冷地區之菜豆、萊豆等,以7~12月間發生密度較高。9~11月間於室溫下飼養,其卵、幼蟲、蛹及成蟲期分別為6~7,18~24,5~7及2~8天,完成一個世代約需34~45天。波紋小灰蝶主要為害萊豆、鵲豆、豌豆、菜豆等以10月至翌年4月發生密度較高。2~4月間於室溫下飼養其卵、幼蟲、蛹及成蟲期分別為4~7,22~28,6~8及2~5天,完成一個世代約需35~46天。三種害蟲之形態及習性亦在文中提及。




Three species of lepidopterous pests, i. e., Monica testulalis, Cryptophlebia ombrodelta, and Lampides boeticus, have been surveyed in leguminous vegetable fields in central Taiwan. M. testulalis mainly attacks snap bean, asparagus bean and vegetable soybean. It occurs around the year, and the population increases from October to April. Durations of the egg, larval, pupal and adults stages are approximately 4-5, 20-24, 4-7 and 2-5 days. respectively, and it takes 32-40 days to complete one generation. The above data were obtained at room temperature during May to July. C. ombrodelta occurs in high and cool areas and damages primarily on snap bean and lima bean. High populations of C. ombrodelta are observed from July to December. Durations of the egg, larval, pupal and adult stages are 6-7, 18-25, 5-7 and 2-8 days respectively, and approximately 31-46 days are required to complete one generation. These data were obtained during September to November under room temperature conditions, L. boeticus attacks mainly lima bean, pea, hyacinth bean and snap bean, and high populations are observed from October to April of the following year. Durations of the egg, larval, pupal and adult stages are 4-6, 22-35, 6-9 and 2-5 days respectively, and 35-48 days are required to complete one generation. These observations were made during February to April at room temperature. The morphology and habtis of these pests are also described.




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葉斯佳(2009)。豆莢螟核多角體病毒 (MaviNPV) 在 NTU-MV 細胞株系之體外增殖及其 MV74 蛋白特徵分析〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.02691
