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Development of New Summer Tomato Variety-Taichung Asveg No.4


於民國75年間亞洲蔬菜研究發展中心引進FMTT品系4~6種,經區域試驗及地方試作選拔出亞蔬FMTT22品系,於78年7月經蔬菜新品種命名審查小組審查通過,正式命名為「台中亞蔬四號」,准予推廣。台中亞蔬四號屬非停心型,生育旺盛,蔓長無限,葉覆蓋中等,單總狀花序,每隔3節著生一花序,每花序著生8~12朵花。結果率秋作84%,平地夏作28%,中海拔地區夏作80~90%。果實高球型,未熱果淡青色,成熟果紅色,輕微皺摺,平均果重70~150公克,硬度中等,夏作裂果輕微,果壁厚9 mm,4~5心室,糖度5.7 °Brix。果實於定植後54~79天可開始採收,產期達32~70天,全生育期107~145天。每公頃生果產量平地夏作10~24公噸,平地晚夏作65公噸,平地秋作110公噸,海拔500~1000公尺山坡地夏作平均51~63.7公噸。本品種為一代雜交種,中海拔地區山坡地於8月中旬至7月上旬均可播種。本品種具有中抗青枯病及抗番茄嵌紋毒素病(tomato mosaic virus),裂果輕微等特性,是適合夏季栽培的優良品種。且栽培容易,產量高,將對提供及穩定夏季蔬果供應助益很大。


番茄 新品種 育種


Taichung Asveg No.4 (TA 4) was tested as ”FMTT 22” which selected by this Station from AVRDC fresh tomato breeding lines after regional and local yield trials. It was registered and released in July 1989.TA 4 is an indeterminate, very vigorous and moderate spreading fresh tomato variety. Complex inflorescence bearing fruit cluster every 3 nodes, each cluster have 8 to 12 flowers. Average fruit-setting rate for fall crop is 84%; for summer crop is 28% and 80-90% at lowland and highland areas, respectively.The fruits are deep oblate in shape, with 4-5 locules, fruit weight varies between 70 and 150 g, fruit wall is 9 mm in width. The fruit are medium firmness, sugar content is 5.7 °Brix, immature fruit has light green shoulder and ripe fruit is bright red with slight wrinkle on top. Fruits may be cracked in summer crop.Fruits begin to harvest at 54-79 days after transplanting. The harvest period is about 32-70 days. Full growth period is 107-145 days. The average yield at lowland area for summer and late summer crops are 10-24 and 65 t/ha, respectively; for fall crop is 110 t/ha, at higland area for summer crop is 51-63.7 t/ha.TA 4 is an F1 hybrid, heat tolerant, good fruit-setting under high temperature. The planting date at lowland area is from mid-June to March; at highland area is from mid-May to early July. TA 4 is slightly resistant to Fusarium wilt and highly resistant to tomato mosaic, virus, high yielding, and is specially adapted for summer season production.


tomato new variety breeding
