  • 期刊


The Strategies and Actions of Sustainable Development in Kaohsiung City Government


高雄市、高雄縣、屏東縣自1999年起,即嘗試建立「跨域合作機制」,定期召開「高高屏首長暨主管會報」,以建構協調溝通的管道,凝聚共識。高雄市、高雄縣、屏東縣3縣市基於對永續發展的高度重視及深厚的合作基礎,向經建會提出「高高屏3縣市永續發展策略規劃」的合作計畫,為我國各縣市推動永續發展寫下「跨域合作」的先例。 在進行永續發展策略規劃時,高高屏3縣市在思考上有2項重要的原則及9項策略主軸。3縣市重新思考高高屏3縣市都市發展與永續發展的整合,強調市民生活與自然生態的共生,以追求經濟、社會與生態環境的永續發展。 高雄市在1991年之前,以加工出口及重化工業為主要產業,近幾年,高雄市致力於生活環境的改善,並且前瞻地以「永續發展」做為城市建設的「核心理念」。高雄市近年來在永續發展的行動及成果,在謝前市長時期,對城市永續環境的營造即明確釐定「水」是所有工作的起始,包括自來水質改善、河川整治、海洋污染防治等,還原大自然中「水」應有的生命力。當愛河、前鎮河箏河川整治陸續成功後,我們將生活環境的永續營造擴展至更廣的面向,包括生態綠廊、城市綠美化、環保生活、環境教育以及民間參與等。陳代理市長接任後,也宣示要讓高雄市成為「S.H.E」-安全、健康、生態的永續城市。


Local Agenda 21 was an important mandate derived from The 1992 Earth Summit. It declares that sustainable development should begin at a grass roots level. This entails respective City Governments to take the initiatives needed in maintaining sustainable development in their areas. In 1999 the local governments of Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County and Pintung County joined forces to create the idea of an inter-regional cooperation. Since 1999, mayors, magistrates, and government officers have met together on a regular basis to discus ways these three governments can establish better courses of action for sustainable development. SStrategic Planning for Local Sustainable Development is one example of projects that have been derived from these inter-regional meetings. It was also a great milestone that marked the cooperation that has grown between these governments. Another example of such projects is the KKP Agenda 21. This project outlines a unified vision for KKP and also assisted Kaohsiung City in developing its individual focus. Kaohsiungs local point is aimed at developing and maintaining its ocean resources, its visual appearance and attractiveness and advancements made in the realms of information and technology. Kaohsiung has focused on ssustainable construction and developmentin accordance with The KKP Agenda 21. The city is currently developing other projects such as reviving the water resources, encouraging and educating residents on environmental issues and awareness. The city also plans to create activities that promote sustainable development, increasing residents concisteness and participation in sustainable development and environmental lifestyles. Developing our Mmaritime Capital image and Tthe S.H.E. City Plan are the Cities two top priorities. Combing these proposals with a sustainable development strategy we believe will turn our city into a great and environmentally friendly place.


