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Passenger Exposure to the Power Frequency Magnetic Field on a Train in Taiwan


本研究旨在初探臺灣地區行駛中火車車上的電力頻磁場強度(Power Frequency Magnetic Field)概況。本研究以一個火車乘客消費者立場,立意購買車票,上車後進行該座位之電力頻磁場強度測量。於環島一周路程中按是否為電氣化路段量測四種常見火車車種(即自強號、莒光號、復興號及電聯車)的電力頻磁場強度概況。結果顯示,自強號、莒光號、復興號及電聯車在臺灣電氣化路段分別測得2805,3258,2736及3552電力頻磁場樣本點,臺灣電氣化路段平均電力頻磁場強度以電聯車車種的33.08毫高斯最高,其次為自強號的24.16毫高斯,莒光號與復興號的強度較低,分別為3.27及2.04毫高斯。在非電氣化路段並無電聯車行駛,自強號、莒光號及復興號分別測得1543、1844及395樣本點,平均電力頻磁場強度均很低,分別為0.41,0.58及0.53毫高斯。對同一火車車種而言,在電氣化路段平均電力頻磁場強度大於非電氣化路段。四種不同火車車種以電聯車電力頻磁場強度最高,西部幹線的自強號居次。莒光號、復興號及非電氣化路段有較低的電力頻磁場強度。


電力頻磁場 火車 臺灣


In order to explore exposure to the power frequency magnetic field on a moving train in Taiwan, the investigators purchased tickets, boarded the train as regular passengers, and measured the power frequency magnetic field around their seats. The investigators took the four most common classes of trains in Taiwan, i.e., Tze-Chiang, Chu-Kuang, Fu-Hsing and Electric Multiple Unit, to travel around the island. Data were collected for both electric and non-electric railways, with 2,805 data points for electric and 1,543 data points for non-electric for the Tze-Chiang class, 3,258 and 1,844 for the Chu-Kuang class, and 2,736 and 395 for the Fu-Hsing class. The Electric Multiple Unit does not travel on the non-electric section of the railway, so only 3,552 data points were collected for it. For the section of railroad with electric trains, the Electric Multiple Unit had the highest mean power frequency magnetic field (33.08 mG); the Tze-Chiang class had the second highest (24.16 mG); and the Chu-Kuang and Fu-Hsing trains had comparatively low power frequency magnetic fields (3.27 mG and 2.04 mG, respectively). The mean power frequency magnetic field values for the Tze-Chiang, Chu-Kuang, and Fu-Hsing classes on the non-electric sections of the railroad were low, with 0.41, 0.58, and 0.53 mG, respectively. Overall, for the same class of trains, a higher mean power frequency magnetic field was obtained for the electric railway than for the non-electric railway. Among the four different classes of trains, the Electric Multiple Unit had the highest field strength and the Tze-Chiang Express on the West Main Line had the second highest, while relatively low-power fields were found on the Chu-Kuang and Fu-Hsing Express as well as non-electric sections of the railway.


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