  • 期刊


Antibody Profiles of Breeder and Layer Chicken Flocks in Taiwan in 1998


在1998年收集台灣地區種雞53場420群,蛋中雞13場71群,蛋雞71場110群之雞隻血清,檢測新城病(ND)、傳染性華氏囊病(IBD)、傳染性支氣管炎(IB)、家禽里奧病毒感染症(Reo)、慢性呼吸器病(CRD)、傳染性滑膜炎(IS)、雛白痢(PD)等七種疾病之抗體。結果發現的93%種雛雞群的ND血球凝集抑制(HI)移行抗體幾何平均力價在64倍以上,種雛雞群之IB與Reo的ELISA移行抗體力價在2000倍以上分別有78.9%及52.6%,IBD ELISA移行抗體力價在3000倍以上的佔42.1%,可顯示原種雞場ND的免疫計畫相當成功,而IBD、IB以及Reo則尚待加強。此外種雞群在整個產蛋期間維持在ND 250倍、IBD 3000倍、IB 8000倍、Reo 500倍以上的力價。CRD在種雞場與蛋雞場的抗體陽性率分別為66%與72%:IS在種雞場與蛋雞場的抗體陽性率分別為73% 與83%。而白肉雞種雞場雛白痢的陽性率為18%。顯示檢除工作仍有待加強。


種雞 蛋雞 抗體調查 台灣


Serum samples from 420 breeder flocks, 71 pullet flocks, and 110 layer flocks were tested for the antibodies against Newcastle disease ( ND ), infectious bursal disease ( IBD ), infectious bronchitis ( IB ), reovirus infection ( Reo ), chronic respiratory disease ( CRD ), infectious synovitis ( IS ), and pullorum disease ( PD ), The results showed that 93% of the breeder chicks had a hemagglutinating-inhibition maternal antibody ( MAb ) titer of ND above 64, And 78,9% and 52,6% of the breeder flocks had an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA) MAb titer of IB and Reo above 2000. The proportion of the breeder flocks with an ELISA MAb titer above 3000 was 42 1% Breeder flocks could maintain the antibody titer above 500 of ND, 3000 of IBD, 8000 IB, and 500 of Reo through the whole laying cycle. The seroprevalence of CRD was 66% in breeders, 72% in layers. The seroprevalence of IS was 73% in breeders, 83% in layers. The seroprevalence of PD was 18% in broiler breeder flocks. The results indicated that more stringent PD eradication program in breeder flocks is needed.


Antlbody profile Breeder Layer Taiwan
