  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Influence of Paclobutrazol on the Vegetative Growth of Bambusa ventricosa



以根部澆灌方式將不同濃度(0, 50, 100, 150及200mg•pot^(-1))巴克素施給盆栽葫蘆竹苗,施藥後當年度新發竹筍支數以100~150mg•pot^(-1)處理者較多。觀察新筍的營養生長性狀,接受巴克素處理者雖有高生長受抑制之現象,但未達顯著水準。新筍的節數在施藥組有增多的趨勢,且平均節間長度明顯比控制組短。在竹稈末梢生長的竹葉,經巴克素處理後形成簇生狀態,葉片間距顯著縮減且葉綠素含量亦明顯增加。雖然葫蘆竹在接受巴克素處理後呈現若干典型的生長抑制反應,但是本研究之處理設計未能促使葫蘆竹在分株移植後隨即形成葫蘆狀外觀。


生長阻礙劑 激勃素 開花 巴克素 葫蘆竹


Bambusa ventricosa cultivated in plastic pots was treated with paclobutrazol (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200mg•pot^(-1)) by root drenching. The numbers of newly emerged bamboo shoots were greater in the 100~150mg•pot^(-1)-treated plants. The characteristics of vegetative growth on these shoots were recorded after paclobutrazol application. Although there was an inhibitory effect on shoot elongation detected in the treated groups, the difference was not statistically significant. The numbers of nodes per culm increased on the treated plants accompanied by a shorter internode length. Bamboo leaves sampled from the distal end of the treated culms were found to be more closely attached to each other as compared with those on the controls; these leaves were also examined for chlorophyll content and showed an increase in higher paclobutrazol-treated plants. It was clearly seen that the typical inhibitory effects induced by paclobutrazol were shown in Bambusa ventricosa. But there was no sign of the early emergence of the ”bottle-gourd”-shaped basal shoots on tested plants.
