  • 期刊

Correction of Inverted Nipples a New Method Using Bilateral Rhomboid Nipple-Areolar Deepithelialized Turn-Over Flaps

矯正乳頭凹陷一個利用兩側 菱形狀 乳頭 乳暈 去上皮 反折 皮瓣的新方法


自165年前,乳頭凹陷於文獻中首次被記載開始。乳頭凹陷對於兩性始終都有美觀、清潔以及功能上的缺點。乳頭凹陷通常被定義為乳頭位置低於乳暈,有多重的原因可能導致此一情形。可分為先天性及後天性。根據最新的分類方法,可依據乳頭凹陷的嚴重程度分為三類。 許多手術及非手術的矯正方式也常被討論發表,我們也嘗試著將這些矯正方式分為三類,第一類主要是提供乳頭拉力,第二類是使乳頭頸部縮小,第三類是在乳頭下增加體積及支持。根據文獻,Elasy於1976年創造了“三角皮瓣”的手術方法,此後,許多作者也嘗試利用此一概念加以修正改進。 我們也利用此基本概念完成了一個全新並且成功的修改,自2001年1月到2004年8月以來,一共12位病患,有23個三度凹陷的乳頭接受此手術方法矯正(其中11位女性,1位男性,平均年齡為32歲,介於20-45歲之間),術後的追蹤為6到49個月(平均為23.6個月),所有手術皆無併發症的發生,所有病人對於手術的成果都相當滿意。 我們認為經過我們修正後的新手術方法,是一個簡單且值得信賴並適用於任何程度的凹陷乳頭上。




Inverted nipple has been recognized for more than 165 years and it has negative aesthetic, hygienic and functional consequences for both genders. An inverted nipple is defined as one located on a plane lower than the areola. Multiple factors may cause inverted nipple. Nipple inversion can be congenital or acquired. According to a recent classification proposed by Han and Hong, this deformity may be divided into three grades depending on severity. Various corrective surgical and non-surgical techniques have been described. We try to cluster these procedures into three groups. The first group provides traction, the second creates a tighter nipple neck, and the third adds bulk to the side of the base of nipple and beneath the nipple. A review of the literature revealed that the idea of ”triangular flap,” first proposed by Elasy in 1976, has been modified by many authors. The ”triangular flap” technique had the advantage of providing both the tighter neck and greater bulk needed to correct grade Ⅱand Ⅲ inverted nipples. We created a new and successful modification of this surgical procedure. From January 2001 to August 2004, a total of 23 grade Ⅲ inverted nipples in 12 patients (11 females and 1 male; mean age, 32 years; range, 20-45) were corrected using this new procedure. The post-operative follow-up period ranged from 6 months to 49 months (average 23.6 months). There were no complications related to the operation. All patients were satisfied with the surgical results (i.e., anatomically correct nipple projection), and nipple projection in all cases was maintained up to the latest follow up. The procedure is simple, reliable, and can be applied to any grade of inverted nipple with excellent results.
