  • 期刊


A New Vision of Nursing: The Evolution and Development of Nursing Informatics


21世紀的科技發展是跨領域應用與研發的時代,運用先進資訊技術有助於護理照護資訊的整合、簡化流程、節省人工時間,以增加醫護人員照顧病人的時間,進而提供高品質且具個人化的照護服務。台灣護理資訊自2003年至今近十年期間歷經萌芽、成長、茁壯的發展階段,且能在十年內即與國際接軌,更突顯台灣在國際間之能見度!同時,台灣護理資訊的發展迅速,且推動成果豐碩與內涵素質優良為全球有目共睹!2006年台灣護理資訊學會(Taiwan Nursing Informatics Association, TNIA)創立,以發展護理資訊專業,促進資訊科技在健康照護領域的發展與應用,增進國際護理資訊交流為宗旨,亦積極推動台灣護理資訊的導入,以展現於行政、教學、研究及臨床中,進而結合實證護理的應用,提升護理照護服務品質、護理管理績效、擴大護理教學及護理研究效益等,繼而將資訊轉化為知識的過程中,建立個別化的策略管理行動護理,並透過跨機構的網絡化將資源交換並重新整合,以建立具網絡特性及實證基礎的主動化的智慧護理,而中長期目標則為導入雲端科技整合,建立讓民眾及政府皆有感的護理資訊應用(meaningful use),造就出台灣獨特的護理資訊發展之里程碑。


Technology development trends in the 21st century are increasingly focused on the development of interdisciplinary applications. Advanced information technology may be applied to integrate nursing care information, simplify nursing processes, and reduce the time spent on work tasks, thereby increasing the amount of time that clinical personnel are available to care for patients and ensuring that patients are provided with high-quality and personalized care services. The development of nursing information began in Taiwan in 2003 and has since expanded and thrived. The ability of nursing information to connect formerly insular national nursing communities promotes the international visibility of Taiwan. The rapid development of nursing information in Taiwan, resulting in the production of informative and outstanding results, has received worldwide attention. The Taiwan Nursing Informatics Association was established in 2006 to nurture nursing information professionals, develop and apply information technology in the health care domain, and facilitate international nursing information exchanges. The association actively promotes nursing information in the areas of administration, education, research, and clinical practice, thereby integrating nursing with empirical applications to enhance the service quality and management of nursing and increase the benefits of nursing teaching and research. To convert information into knowledge, the association develops individualized strategies for managing mobile care and employs an interagency network to exchange and reintegrate resources, establishing active, intelligent nursing based on network characteristics and an empirical foundation. The mid- and long-term objectives of the association involve introducing cloud computing and facilitating the meaningful use of nursing information in both public and government settings, thereby creating a milestone of developing and expanding nursing information unique to Taiwan.


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