  • 期刊

Sugary Beverage Intakes and Obesity Prevalence among Junior High School Students in Beijing-A Cross-Sectional Research on SSBs Intake



目的:过量摄入含糖软饮料(SSBs)会增加肥胖的风险,中国目前针对中学生人群的相关研究很少。本次调查目的在于了解目前北京市中学生SSBs的消费现况,并研究SSBs 摄入与中学生超重/肥胖流行之间的关系,为建立健全青少年超重肥胖预防体系提供理论支持。方法:本次调查为横断面研究,对北京市某区两所中学11-15岁初中生(男生322位,女生380位)进行自填式问卷调查和连续3天的24小时膳食回顾调查。结果:肥胖率男生为22.7%,女生为10.3%;超重率男生为21.1%,女生为11.6%。家中储备SSBs的种类在2种以上的人平均每日SSBs摄入量较高(p<0.001)。在校正了混杂因素后,SSBs摄入高水平的学生与摄入低水平的学生相比,发生超重/肥胖的相对危险度为OR=2.6;父母的BMI与子女超重/肥胖的发生存在关联(OR=1.130,p=0.007)。结论:在北京11-15岁中学生人群当中,肥胖的流行趋势与超重相比更加严峻,而SSBs已成为最经常消费的饮料品种;在男生当中,高摄入量的含糖软饮料与超重/肥胖的发生显著相关。


含糖软饮料 能量 超重 肥胖 膳食


Background: Excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) may increase the risk of obesity. Data in regards to the consumption of SSBs is insufficient in the Chinese population, especially in middle school students experiencing rapid nutritional transition. We aimed to describe the consumption of SSBs among junior high school students and explore the relationship between SSB intake and adolescents' overweight/obesity in Beijing. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study under which 322 (46%) male and 380 (54%) female (age 11-15 y, median 13 y) were recruited from two middle schools of Xicheng District in Beijing. All subjects completed a questionnaire and 24-hour dietary recall for 3 consecutive days. Results: Prevalence of overweight was 21.1% in males and 11.6% in females. Prevalence of obesity was 22.7% in males and 10.3% in females. Of the students, 7.7% consumed SSBs at least once per day. Students whose storage of SSBs at home is more than 1 type are more likely to consume higher quantities of SSBs everyday (p<0.001). After adjusting for confounding factors, OR of high SSBs intake group versus low SSBs intake group was 2.6. Students whose parents had a higher BMI had a higher risk of overweight/obesity (OR=1.13, p=0.007). Conclusions: Among middle school students in Beijing, prevalence of obesity is more severe than that of overweight. Sugar-sweetened beverages have been the most popular drinks, and consumption of SSBs has a positive association with levels of overweight/obesity among male students.


beverages energy overweight obesity dietary
