  • 期刊


The construction of the metaphysics and practical theory by Cheng-Yi through the approach of the I-Ging study




形上學 本體論 存有論 功夫論 易程傳 主敬 格物致知


Cheng-Yi was a great Confucian philosopher at North-Song dynastic. This article is going to reevaluate his contribution on the Neo-Confucianism. Historically Cheng- Yi’s thought was connected to Chu-Hsi’s philosophy. Under Chu-His’s powerful creative system Cheng-Yi’s philosophy become not so brilliant. Chu-Hsi’s philosophy is in some degree been misunderstood to leave away from the Confucius and the Mencius’ tradition caused by his too much ontologically concern. And this also become the figure of Cheng-Yi today. This article tries to present the creative ideas brought by Cheng-Yi and emphasizes the contribution of Cheng-Yi himself instead of Chu-ilsi and the ontological concern of the Confucian theory developed by Cheng-Yi and Chu-Hsi is the theoretical necessary of the Confucian school not to away from it. Cheng-Yi constructed his philosophy through the study and the interpretation of the Book of Changes and built the ontological theory and the practical theory. His discussion about the concept definition of the Ren (benevolence) and Ai (love) and telling the Ren is a kind of abstract principle the Ai is a kind of felling was his most creative idea. The author wants to classif, this kind of discussion to be the ontological thinking instead of the practical thinking. This kind of thinking was followed by Chu-Hsi who constructed an even larger system of the ontological theory of the Confucianism. In the practical theory part, Cheng-Yi emphasized that people should know the environmental situations at first and then chose the correct method to better the society. And he asked people should purify their mind through a respect attitude when doing anything. The former idea is traced from the Great Learning and the later idea is inherit from the Book of Changes and the Mencius. Cheng-Yi also did a great work to interpret the Book of Changes. His main position about the book was claimed that 1-Ging is basically a book about the education of human nature. People by reading it will get the knowledge of the social affairs and the ability to judge the things are right or wrong. This is also the ideas of the Appendices of the Book of Changes.




