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The Roles of Foreign Aid Played by NGOs and the Government in Taiwan: The Inquiry of Present Condition and Its Implications


我國曾經是被西方國家援助的對象,今日已一躍而爲提供國際援助與發展技術的國家。近年來,台灣援外的「非政府組織」(NGOs)的數量增多,此中原因與國內的整個政治、經濟及社會在80年代之後,除了經濟的高度成長之外,政治民主化改革的結果,也使得民間的社會力日漸茁壯,人民有更多的餘力和條件去關懷本土及海外的弱勢者。本文根據作者在2001年底已完成的問卷調查以及機構的深度訪談、焦點團體座談的資料,分析臺灣民間從事國際救援的組織對於本身及期等政府在援外工作上應扮演的角色,目前的現況與問題,以及在政策面與制度面上,未來政府與民間援外組織應如何形成一良好與建設性的互動模式。本文聚焦於四個面向,分別是(1)NGO經費的來源與募集、(1)NGO與本國政府互動、(3)NGO與受援國政府的互動、(4)未來的展望。 未來我國政府與民間援外NGOs互動,必須加強援外機制的制度化,援外政策的明確性、援外經費的充實與支持民間機構、加強援外事務的溝通與強調雙方的對等性,才有助於國際救援工作之推動。換言之,「制度化」援外工作是台灣援外NGOs最企盼所能推動的項目,此包含設置官方的援外組織與完善的法規建構。再者,未來外交部有必要盡快建立民間援外的相關統計資料檔與圖書室,使政府部門有一個比較完整的台灣NGO援外全貌,才能真正釐定如何協助援外機構國際救援工作的相關政策與策略。


Taiwan, once a recipient country of aid from western counties, has been providing international aid in the form of immediate relief and technical training. The increasing number of international-aid NGOs in Taiwan in the recent years was largely contributed by the considerable economical, political and social reform dating from 1980s. The vibrant society resulted from the reform devotes itself not only to its own well-being but that overseas. The purpose of this paper is to explore the roles played by NGOs and the Government in Taiwan with regard to the affairs of international relief and development. The findings of this study suggest that the core recommendations of NGOs in Taiwan to the Government's international aid policies are pertaining to establishment of a balanced partnership between the Government and the NGOs, advancement of international cooperation and networking with assistance of extant resources among overseas Chinese communities. The former may be accomplished by the Government providing NGOs with international aid information platform, amending pertinent foreign-aid laws and regulations building an institutionalized international aid mechanism and nourishing official and private aid professionals.


