  • 期刊


Effects of Social Capital on the Taiwanese Democracy




How social capital shapes democracy has become a core issue in recent years. This study attempts to answer two questions: (1) how much social capital does Taiwan have and (2) how does social capital influence Taiwan's democracy? There are several findings. First, merely 30% and 37% of the population participate in formal and informal civil society groups respectively. Second, the rates of social trust and distrust are around 40% and 60% respectively. Third, social capital shows varying effects on independent variables. The number of social networks is positively correlated with internal political efficiency, political knowledge, and political participation. The type of social network on the other hand is related to support for democracy, internal political efficiency, and political participation. Finally, social trust significantly increases people's support for democracy and increases external political efficiency. In conclusion, we find that social capital is beneficial to democracy in Taiwan. This study suggests that variables concerning social capital should be added into national surveys. By doing so, political scientists will have more opportunities to explore issues of social capital and quantitative methods can be more fruitfully applied in this area.


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