  • 期刊


Effect of Cultural Factor Seen from Flight Mishaps Oriental Culture Cannot Fly Western Airplane


華航名古屋空難事件所涉的問題與飛機的控制,與近代飛機自動化設計理念間有密切的關聯。當飛航的操控愈來愈自動化之後,相對的,人就變成整個控制迴路最脆弱的一環。 回顧全球三十多年來空難事件的調查報告可以發現,飛航組員的人爲疏失佔失事主因的七成。在波音公司所細分的八十個因素中,人爲因素中的「駕駛員不依照程序」的環節出現的比例最高,有高達百分四十的事故都有這一項因素。而在美、加地區爲百分四十一、在亞洲地區則爲百分之五十二。另由於飛航組員所造成的事故中,又有著強烈的地方色彩,其中東南亞地區由於飛航組員所造成的失誤比美、加地區高達九倍。 因此,提升飛航安全首要的工作,就是加強飛行員的篩選、飛航組員的訓練、養成守規矩的精神。


The problem involve and aircraft's control of China Airlines, Nagoya air mishaps are closely related the concept of present aircraft automation plans. After the operation aircraft become more and more automatic, relatively, along the control path man become the weakest. On looking back on the investigation report of flight mishaps globally for more than thirty years, it is found that human error of flight crew occupy 70% of the main cause. Among the 80 elements' causes analyse by Boeing Company, in human factor, highest percentage is that ”the pilots do not follow the procedure”, 40% of the mishaps consists of this factor. In USA, Canada there is 40%, in Asia it is 52% Also, From accidents cause by flight crew, there is strong provincialism, anong South East Asia, flight accidents cause by the crew is nine times more than US. and Canada. So, the main work for upgrading flight safety, is to improve in selecting and screening the flight crew, their training, rear the spirit in abiding the rules and regulations.


flight accidents human error cultural factor
