  • 期刊


On Guangsi: The Views of Multiplying Descendants Reflected on Medical Texts in Qing China


繁衍眾多的子孫是中國傳統生育觀的重點,即所謂「廣嗣」思想。古人在孕育生命之時,千方百計去找尋廣嗣之法,明代教人廣嗣的專書如雨後春筍般出現,為清代醫學中的廣嗣理論奠下基礎。醫書裏提到的廣嗣方法包括理論和臨床兩方面的探討。理論方面是考察配偶健康狀況、生殖器官來推測能否多生子,又或主張養生節慾以增加生殖能力等論述。臨床方面則是廣嗣藥方的觀察。清人重視男嗣,尤為緊張腹中塊肉的性別,所以醫書或民間偏方中有不少教人計算生男生女、分辨男女胎,甚至是轉女胎為男胎的方法。 本文意欲將清代醫籍視為一種歷史文獻去考察,並分為四大部份:第一部份討論清代醫籍中男女兩性身心特點對生育廣嗣之重要性;第二部份探討清代醫家提倡以藥餌及房中術達到廣嗣之功效;第三部份論述清代醫籍記錄辨別男女胎及轉女為男的方法;第四部份探究清代醫籍在醫療之外另一種性質。


廣嗣 清代醫籍 求嗣 轉女為男


In traditional Chinese society, bearing numerous children guarantees the flourishing of a clan, leading to prosperity of the entire country. According to the conventional Chinese beliefs, <||>multiplying descendants<||>, or in Chinese known as guangsi, is a symbol of fortune. The character si means <||>inheritor.<||> Only male descendants are expected to inherit their clans. Therefore, giving birth to a son becomes one of the most important targets of the Chinese people. When our ancestors decided to gestate a baby, they would explore different means to achieve the purpose of guangsi. Searching for medical help was the common methods to achieve their goals. This essay utilized a large amount of Qing medical texts to explore how medical theories were related to the promotion of guangsi. Some people believed that the sexual distinction of a fetus was not fixed during the first three months of pregnancy, so that they could change the female fetus into male fetus superstitiously and magically, by prenatal education and having medicine. No matter these methods were effective or not, they undoubtedly expressed the Chinese's desire of having a son. When our ancestors decided to gestate a baby, they would explore different means to achieve the purpose of guangsi. Searching for medical help was the common methods to achieve their goals. This essay utilized a large amount of Qing medical texts to explore how medical theories were related to the promotion of guangsi. Some people believed that the sexual distinction of a fetus was not fixed during the first three months of pregnancy, so that they could change the female fetus into male fetus superstitiously and magically, by prenatal education and having medicine. No matter these methods were effective or not, they undoubtedly expressed the Chinese's desire of having a son.


