  • 期刊

Whiplash Associated Disorders: A Literature Review of Its Treatment, Outcome and Clinical Expectations





鞭索傷害 治療效果 頸椎


Objectives: 1) Provide demographic risk factors associated with Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD); 2) Present the current evidence on WAD's treatments and outcomes; 3) Provide information to the healthcare & legal communities regarding the effect of potential compensation on outcomes and prognostic risk factors following WAD. Summary & Background: Outcome following Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)-induced neck pain is influenced by a multitude of factors, ranging from the severity of the biomechanical insult to the variety of treatments available for the underlying and resultant physical and psychological pathology. Well-defined articles on WAD have been published in the last 10 years, expanding our current knowledge and understanding in this subject. However, many clinical questions related to physical therapy, treatment time, pain duration, pre-existing spinal conditions, and compensation still remain unanswered. The purpose of our paper was to present the current literature aimed at addressing these unanswered clinical questions. Methods: A literature search was performed on Ovid databases for articles published between 1966 and 2004. Two reviewers screened 48 articles and selected data related to the pre-set clinical questions. A table was developed to summarize and compare results from each article/paper. The quality of each paper selected for review was rated according to criteria set forth by ”Levels of Evidence and Grades of Recommendation”. The Results/Conclusions were based on a compilation of the current available external evidence. Results/Conclusion: 1) Sixty percent of involvement in MVA are females; 2) Drivers older than 25 years of age have a 1.5 times risk of cervical injury compared to those who are younger; 3) Treatment time ranges from 14-85 days following a MVA; 4) MVA-induced pain may last from 20 days to 2 years post-MVA; 5) Early resumption of pre-MVA activities result in improved outcomes; 6) Pre-existing spinal conditions do not influence outcomes following a MVA; 7) No strong evidence supports that MVA induces degenerative changes; 8) Compensation affects claim settlement duration but does not adversely influence prognosis or symptom resolution; and 9) Prognostic factors predicting a poor outcome; including a) higher initial pain intensity; b) presence of radicular symptoms; c) psychiatric morbidity; and d) presence of neurological deficits.
