  • 期刊

Clinical Question: Does a Three-month Supervised Exercise Training Improve Lipid Profiles and Reduce Body Fat in Obese Postmenopausal Women?





運動訓練 停經後 血脂肪 體脂肪


Background and Purpose: To seek for evidence whether a three-month supervised exercise training can improve lipid profiles and reduce body fat in our obese postmenopausal female client. Methods: MEDLINE, PubMed and CINAHL database were used to retrieve relevance articles to the topic using the keywords ”lipids AND postmenopause AND obesity AND exercise”. Options of ”LIMITS” were applied that included English, published in the last five years (2001 to 2006), Meta-Analysis, and Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), Reviews, and Humans. Results: A total of three articles, all with RCT design, were reviewed. The available evidence showed that a three-month supervised exercise program could modify certain metabolic risk factors (insulin and leptin), reduce body weight, and hip and waist circumferences. However total and percent body fat and serum lipoproteins remained unchanged. A 12-month training period was needed for reducing percent body fat especially intra-abdominal fat. Conclusions: Based on the available evidence, we would encourage our client to take a three-month supervised exercise training and the importance to keep physically active to maintain cardiorespiratory fitness and to reduce obese-related cardiovascular risks.
