  • 期刊


The Mandarin Functioning After Pediatric Cochlear Implantation Instrument (FAPCI-M) and Its Validity and Reliability Verification


「幼兒植入電子耳後溝通功能量表」(Functioning after Pediatric Cochlear Implantation Instrument, FAPCI)是以國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統(International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, ICF)為其架構所編製而成,能較完整地評量電子耳幼兒的溝通功能。本研究目的旨在編譯「華語版FAPCI」且建立其信效度,以提供台灣2至5歲電子耳幼兒日常溝通表現之評量工具。華語版FAPCI採用雙向翻譯程序,分別由專家進行內容效度檢定及電子耳幼兒照顧者進行表面效度之評定。正式收案對象為電子耳幼兒照顧者,以方便取樣方式進行收案,收案來源橫跨台灣12個單位,有效問卷共計87份。本研究分別以建構效度、效標關聯效度、內部一致性信度和再測信度來檢驗量表得分結果的信效度。研究結果顯示,華語版FAPCI具有良好的建構效度和很高的效標關聯效度:建構效度採用探索性因素分析,萃取出「口語溝通活動」和「口語溝通參與」兩個因素;華語版FAPCI與學齡前兒童行為發展量表(Chinese Child Development Inventory, CCDI)進行效標關聯效度分析,相關係數達0.958。再者,華語版FAPCI亦具有極佳的內部一致性和很高的再測信度:內部一致性之Cronbach's α值達0.979;前測和後測之再測信度的相關係數達0.981。總結而論,華語版FAPCI以ICF為架構,採用嚴謹的翻譯流程編製而成,具有優良的信效度,建議適合於臨床應用。


The Functioning after Pediatric Cochlear Implantation Instrument (FAPCI), based on the framework of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), can comprehensively evaluate the communicative performance of children with cochlear implants. This study developed a Mandarin version of the FAPCI (FAPCI-M) and verified its psychometric properties. The FAPCI-M was translated through bidirectional translation, and experts and parents of cochlear implant children were invited to separately examine its content validity and face validity. The study recruited the main caregivers of cochlear-implanted children as subjects from 12 centers around Taiwan, and received a total of 87 valid questionnaires. The construct validity, criterion-related validity, internal consistency, and retest reliability were analyzed respectively. The results showed that the FAPCI-M had good construct validity and excellent criterion-related validity. The construct validity was evaluated through exploratory factor analysis and refined out two factors, spoken communication activities and spoken communication participation. The correlated coefficient of criterion-related validity with the Chinese Child Development Inventory (CCDI) was 0.958. The FAPCI-M also had excellent internal consistency and retest reliability. The Cronbach's α coefficient of internal consistency was 0.979 and the correlated coefficient of the retest reliability between pretest and posttest was 0.981. The FAPCI-M was developed on the basis of ICF model and accomplished by a rigorous translation process. The study concluded that the FAPCI-M was verified as a result of excellent validity and reliability, and suggested that it could be suitable to the application in clinical practice.


