  • 期刊


Reflecting the Possibilities of Heidegge’s Religious Meaning Acquirements from the Communicative Ideas of Habermas




Heidegger claimed that among the four elements of the fourfold relationship-earth and sky, divinities and mortals-the meanings of being would be disclosed. Undoubtedly, the meanings of being include religious meanings. In this interactive relationship, mortals are the only ones that can be controlled by rationality. Therefore, if people can keep rationality from being distorted and dominated, they are sure to acquire undistorted and undominated religious meanings. In the theory of communication, Habermas mentioned that the communicative action could help people make good use of rationality and avoid being subjected to it. So, if people maintain communicative rationality in their lives, they can not only keep religious meanings self-disclosed without distortion in the interactive relationship, but also acquire the meanings of existence.


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Habermas, Jürgen,McCarthy, T.(Trans.)(1979).Communication and the evolution of society.Boston:Beacon press.
Habermas, Jürgen,McCarthy, T.(Trans.)(1984).The theory of communication action.Boston:Beacon press.
Habermas, Jürgen,McCarthy, T.(Trans.)(1984).The theory of communication action.Boston:Beacon press.
Habermas, JürgenCronin, Ciaran P.(ed.),De Greiff, Pablo(ed.)(1998).The inclusion of the other.Cambridge:MIT press..
