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Exploring the Effect of Weighted Vests on Decreasing Off-task Behavior in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders


自閉症兒童由於先天腦部功能受損傷而引發廣泛性發展障礙,常有對於感覺刺激的反應不足或過度反應的感覺處理功能障礙,造成刻板動作、自我刺激、分心、過動、攻擊等不適應行為,不僅造成自己學習的困難也影響同儕的學習,甚至干擾老師的教學活動。基於恆定狀態的維持,實施以感覺為基礎的活動以進行感覺調節,可改善感覺調節障礙所引發的不適應行為。重量背心所提供的深層觸壓覺具有緩和與組織神經系統的作用,臨床常用該策略處置感覺調節障礙相關的不適應行為,普遍具有正面的使用經驗,但研究結果卻不一致。本研究目的在利用重量背心處置自閉症兒童常見的遊走、狂奔、分心或與人談話而未工作的中斷工作行為,藉此再次對其效果進行釐清。單一受試研究(single subject research)得知,實施重量背心改善自閉症兒童中斷工作行為具有立即成效,但維持成效不明顯。因此,重量背心實施於治療室所建立的實證基礎,可推行到教育現場協助教師處遇孩子的問題行為;透過教育專業團隊的運作,加強特教與醫療的合作,將感覺調節概念融入教室課程中,協助孩子增進功能並擴大參與。


自閉症 重量背心 感覺調節


Congenital brain dysfunction in children with autism spectrum disorder initiates the pervasive developmental disorders, and that caused maladaptive behaviors such as stereotyped movement, self-stimulation, distraction, hyperactivity and aggression. Those not only make learning difficult, but also influence peers' learning condition and interfere in teaching activities. There may be difficulty in grading one's responses to sensations from the environment, causing sensory over-response, under-response, and influencing activities participation and development process. Based on the concept of homeostasis with arranging sensory-based activities to modulate sensory stimulation and improve maladaptive behaviors, a weighted vest can provide deep pressure stimulation to calm and organize the central nervous system. It is a common strategy to use the weighted vests to alleviate some of sensory-related maladaptive behaviors. However, the effects of weighted vests were not shown consistent findings among previous studies. The purpose of this study was to manage off-task behaviors due to wandering, darting, distracting and talking to others, and which explored the effect of using weighted vests on children's task behaviors. The findings revealed that the weighted vests reduced the off-task behaviors of the children with autism in therapeutic room. It provided the evidence-based results for the professional team members in school, strengthened the cooperation between special education and medical care systems, and embeded the concepts of sensory modulation in classroom. Through the Weighted Vests strategy, the study proves that it is helpful for children's function and participation in the learning environments.


Autism sensory modulation weighted vests


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