  • 期刊


The Development of college-class Training Courses and Their Evaluation in the Design and Analysis Skills of Injection Mold



本研究旨在建構「技職教育(科技大學)之精密射出模具設計分析人才培育課程之教材規劃與調查分析,其目的係針對射出模具設計分析人才之培育,規劃完整之學程,並訂定學習成效評量之預期指標,以滿足國內精密模具產業未來相關高級工程人才之需求。本研究先著手研究精密射出模具設計分析人才所須具備之基礎核心能力、專業才動。能力、專精核心能力之目錄,而後以德懷術(Delphi Technique)問卷調查方法,對產、官、學界的模具專家進行諮詢與訪談,持續蒐集意見,反覆樹殮分析能力項目,劃示產業訪視,並以統計分析方法建構出精密模具設計分析基礎核心能力標準、專業核心能力標準、專精才動。能力標準;再經過產、學界的諮詢專家問卷調查後,對於精密射出模具設計分析之專精課程內涵及能力指標之「可行性」與「重要性」兩項目進行分析,分析結果歸納出精密射出模具設計分析課程應包含:「射出模具設計與分析(一)」、「射出模具設計與分析(二)」、「射出模具專題實作(一)」及「射出模具專題實作(二)」等課程,此成果可作為規劃科技大學培養精密模具設計分析人才之完整學程之參考。


This study focuses on the development and analysis of advanced courses for ”the technical education outlines and professional evaluation guidelines for injection mould design and analysis engineers.” It aims to sketch the outlines for a series of complete courses on training injection mould design, also to provide an evaluation indicator for the learning results. The purpose is to provide references for the training of professional mould design, which can fulfill the domestic industry's requirement. The research firstly investigates the contents of basic kernel ability, professional kernel ability, and advanced professional kernel ability in injection mould design engineering. Then, It dedicates on the further details of professional kernel ability. By employing the Delphi technique on questionnaire survey, the opinions from experts and scholars in mould design training are successfully collected and concluded. These results can be further used as guidelines to develop the curriculum of injection mould design and analysis engineers. With the consideration of feasibility and essential, the research has showed that the courses for injection mould design and analysis can be arranged as four courses: ”Injection Mould Design and Analysis (Ⅰ)”, ”Injection Mould Design and Analysis (Ⅱ)”, ”Monograph of Injection Mould (Ⅰ)”, and ”Monograph of Injection Mould (Ⅱ).” The outcome is valuable for the planning and evaluation of training courses to the injection mould design and analysis engineers.
