  • 期刊


The Effect of Oar Length on Rowing Performance


前言:划船運動以人體為動力,雙手操作槳,使船隻快速前進,所以槳是最重要的工具,在2000公尺競賽過程中需做出週期性拉槳約220至250槳,以往國家教練或選手都是以大概的長度或是參考國外選手所使用的槳長度作為比賽或訓練。研究目的:本研究在探討三種不同槳長下進行拉槳動力學及運動學表現。研究方法:以十二位大學男子划船選手為實驗對象,受試者身高175.27 ± 4.8公分、體重76.55 ± 4.6公斤、訓練年數6.36 ± 1.8年。使用RowX-modelB outdoor划船單槳力量收集儀器收集資料,設定取樣率200 Hz,取樣時間為60秒。實驗設計分別以三種不同槳長SOT(374 cm)、MOT(376 cm)、LOT(378 cm)在固定槳頻(34 ± 1 s/min)進行實驗,分別擷取動力學及運動學的數據,經統計軟體SPSS 12.00進行統計分析處理。結果:動力學方面利用槳長SOT所表現出力量、最大力量、爆發力及拉槳功率均優於槳長MOT、LOT且達顯著差異(p < .05)。在運動學方面平均速度、最大船速、行進距離及拉槳速度SOT、MOT、LOT三種槳長皆未達顯著差異(p < .05)。結論:經過實驗結果三種不同槳長以SOT(374cm)為最佳表現;建議教練或選手將此數據作為日後訓練或比賽的參考依據。並針對後續利用槳長SOT(374cm)進行槳頻34s/min、36 s/min、38 s/min三種槳頻之比較是否可以分析出最佳化的槳頻控制,來提高拉槳效益值得後續研究。


槳長 划船 拉槳 生物力學


Introduction: Rowing is a sport in which the propulsion forces come from human hands rapidly operating the oars; therefore, the oar is the most important equipment in this sport. Approximately 220 to 250 cyclic rowing strokes would occur in a 2000 meter rowing race. In Taiwan, the length of oar chosen for rowing races and training are all along either by approximation or with reference to foreign athletes’ choices. Purpose: This study was to examine the kinetics and kinematics of 3 different oar lengths in stroke action. Methods: 12 male collegiate rowers were recruited as subjects (height: 175.27 ± 4.8cm; weight: 76.55 ± 4.6kg; years of rowing training: 6.36 ± 1.8 years). The data was measured and recorded by the RowX-modelB outdoor display at 200 Hz and in 60-sec sampling time. This study was carried out with three different oar lengths, SOT (374 cm), MOT (376 cm) and LOT (378 cm), at a fixed rowing-stroke rate (34 ± 1 s/min) and the data of kinetics and kinematics gathered were subjected to statistical analysis by using SPSS 12.00. Results: In terms of kinetics, SOT performed better than MOT and LOT and showed significant differences (p < .05) in power, maximum power, explosive force, and stroke rate. As for kinematics, none of the 3 different oar lengths revealed significant difference (p < .05) in average speed, maximum rowing speed, the distance covered between strokes, and stroke speed. Conclusion: The study results showed that among the 3 different oar lengths, SOT (374 cm) revealed the best performance. We suggest coaches and rowers take the findings as a reference data for future training and races. For future study, we propose to compare 3 different stroke rates at 34 s/min, 36 s/min, and 38 s/min using SOT (374 cm) oar length to see if the optimized control of stroke rate could be obtained to increase the stroke efficiency.


Oar length Rowing Stroke Biomechanics


