  • 期刊


Revisit the change and unchange of American police reform thinking- focus on trust relation and enforcement legitimacy


美國總統特設專案小組21世紀警政報告書(Final Report of the President's TaskForce on 21st Century Policing)特別強調建立信任與正當性是當前警政變革的核心與關鍵,而2015國際警察首長協會(IACP)中芝加哥市長與警察局局長宣布「新的購回計畫使槍枝遠離街頭」與「向幫派叩應」的創新方案,美國總統Obama在2015國際警察首長協會閉幕典禮演講強調1.確保警察機關的執法資源充足、2.刑事司法的改革將帶來更多的智慧與公正、3.降低員警執勤的風險,改革槍枝管制法律等三項議題。芝加哥市長宣布2016年1月1日開始,城市內的警察接受民眾報案前往現場時,警車內至少必須攜帶一支電擊槍,同時也加強警員使用電擊槍訓練,避免造成不必要的傷亡。這些警政思維在社區警政也有所牽動更新,社區警政是率先改革過去典型由警察被動地去處理犯罪、逮捕罪犯,轉型為主動地降低社區內犯罪的警政變革。Robert Friedmann博士經過20年的實驗經驗,最先把社區警政研究焦點從消極處理犯罪,移轉到積極改變犯罪發生因素上的學者。SteveDye呼籲現在是更多一點承諾於社區警政的時刻,從中讓更多社區成員視警方為合法且程序正義的執法者,透過與市民人際互動的實行,同步讓執法人員更人性化。此外,針對「如何服務與保護那些曾服務過與保護過我們的人」此一議題,社區警政議題聚焦在退伍軍人身上,為社區退伍軍人與他們的家庭,提供自殺防治、藥物治療、教育、轉介,精神諮商的社區協助。美國這些變革與創新方案均環繞在社區警政、族群衝突與調和、社會大眾信任與犯罪防制的翻轉及協力等範疇;顯示美國警政思維的「變」表現於犯罪預防與控制的策略及工具選擇,而「不變」的是如何爭取社會大眾的信任與確保民主法治的個人自由與國家安全之核心價值。亟待針對美國警政變革思維、策略與創新方案進行再探與省思,以便做為我國警政尋求變革的觀照及參考。


"Final Report of the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing" emphasize police reform focus on trust relation and enforcement legitimacy. 2015 The International Association of Chiefs of Police(IACP), this year's host police department, the City of Chicago, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy & Mayor Rahm Emanuel talk about law enforcement philosophies with both reducing Gun Violence and Gang Call-in. President Obama addressed the closing ceremony of IACP, including the challenging year law enforcement has had- and what the President is doing to support law enforcement legislatively. Community policing is the first reform of the police in the past typically passively to deal with crime, arrest criminals, transforming to change policing initiative reducing crime from the community. Steve Dye in "It's Time- A Commitment to Community Policing" paper, encouraging through community policing, the police and the community predicate their relationship on being united and not as opposing forces to one another- treating each other with dignity and respect in every interaction every day. Mike Masterson in "Serving and Protecting Those Who Served and Protected Us" paper, emphasize community policing initiative to support military veterans is an exemplary model to be shared and copied by other communities across the United States and around the world. It’s urgent to revisit and reflex the change and unchange of American police reform thinking, strategy , innovation program, for our country police reform have the way seeking to benchmarking and reference.


