  • 期刊


Development of Community Policing in Mainland China




The policing model in Mainland China underwent political led period from national reconstruction to the reform and opening up of social development. The second period was legalization period which took place after the reform and opening up of social development. The third period was community reform period which was post reform. Politics effected the social development before the reform. However, after the reform and the opening-up, social and economic development and ideological emancipation caused serious security threats to rise increasingly. In order to control the public order, severe measures were taken against crime and disorder first. The police force took measures to crack-down on this. Community policing was proposed later because it was found that the crack down strategy could not control the crime rate. Community policing was proposed at the Suzhou conference held in April 1997 and the Hangzhou conference held in March 2002, and the strategy was implemented in major cities in 2004. For the implementation of community policing strategy, Mainland China reformed street police organizations. The changes included building community and rural police stations and to deploy community and village police. In addition to the building new structures, community policing need to emphasize the culture of the police force. Also, training procedures of police officer needs to address. Training that emphasizes change in thought is necessary. The Suzhou conference held in 1997 promoted police reform, there after the police in Mainland China underwent the implementation of this new reform program for ten years. Professional policing model was still being used as the main strategy in police practice, but recently there was change with increasing emphasis in public relations, discipline for enforcement and public services. Many creative police programs, which are associated with people's livelihood and public opinion, have run like a rising wind and scudding clouds. This has had a positive effect in improving trust between the police force and the public.

