  • 學位論文


The life experience of Youths in NEET: A social exclusion perspective

指導教授 : 陳毓文


社會排除(social exclusion)觀點指涉個人從社會、政治、經濟或文化等系統中,無法取得主流社會的接納,難以取得適當的福利或服務,逐漸遭到邊緣化而最終被社會疏離的動態過程。離開義務教育的青少年,因社會制度與體系的剝削與壓迫,使部分青少年努力掙扎仍無法順利轉銜至下個人生階段,而處於未升學未就業狀態,但卻少有研究關注。為了解臺灣未升學未就業青少年脫離系統後的社會排除經驗,及個人面臨的困境、挑戰與心境轉折,並為福利服務供給、就業政策制定等提供相關建議,本研究透過立意選樣的方式,採用質性研究的深度訪談法,訪問五位年齡介於十五至十九歲,曾至少持續三個月(以上)的未升學未就業者,且目前仍在此狀態的青少年,了解其過往就學與就業歷程,並以社會排除觀點為架構,探討其勞動市場、經濟需求、制度與心理狀態面向的排除經驗。研究發現幾點結論:未升學未就業青少年於體系中持續挫敗卻從未放棄、不同的轉銜艱辛卻有相同的排除處境,以及現行難以貼近的福利服務;同時依據上述研究結果,提出幾點建議,包含看重未升學未就業青少年的優勢與能力、強化社會網絡及社會制度以提高社會包容、提高相關法規與勞動權益的落實與宣導,以及提供適切及符合需求的服務方案等,期許能作為現行政策與制度規畫的參考,以解決未升學未就業青少年的社會排除困境。


Social exclusion indicates a dynamic process in which the individuals are unable to be accepted by the mainstream society, from the social, political, economic, and cultural perspectives. Socially excluded people tend to be lack of access to adequate benefits or services, so they are gradually marginalized and finally excluded by the society. Young people who have left the compulsory education system, and have been unable to enter the next stage of life are the ones to be exploited and oppressed by the social system. They remain in a state of limbo of neither being in school nor being employed. However, few studies have examined this issue. This study attempts to understand the social exclusion experiences of Taiwanese youths who remain unemployed after completing their compulsory education. The challenges and psychological changes they face are also examined. This study was conducted using qualitative design, using the purposive sampling method, five youths between the ages of 15 and 19, who have remained out of school and unemployed for over three months and have remained in the same status until now were interviewed. Their schooling and employment histories were examined through the social exclusion perspective in terms of labor markets, financial needs, social systems, and their psychological states. This study found that youths who have left school but remained unemployed have never given up despite continuous defeats. Most of them have experienced different transitional hardships, have undergone the same state of social exclusion, and were unable to have access to adequate social services. Based on the findings, this study proposes the following suggestions. First, we should value the strengths and abilities of youths who have remained out of school and out of work. Second, to reinforce social networking and systems, so they can be socially included. Third, to reassure the implementation and advocate for legal regulations, and finally, to provide services that meet the needs of youths experiencing social exclusion.




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