  • 學位論文


Discussion on the Problems of Public Engineering Technology Service in the Implementation of Open Contract Type

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


近年政府機關以開口契約型式,來執行公共工程的設計與監造技術服務案件,有愈來愈多之趨勢,不僅包括災後搶險、搶修與復建等工程,一般例行性維修、維護工作,甚至年度預定執行、計畫中或未來可能進行的新建工程,也都是開口技術服務應用的範圍。 主辦機關只要透過一次的招標作業程序,即可取得由技術服務廠商所提供的,整年度或者更長時間的技術服務,在契約工作範圍內,都可隨時請廠商配合服務,用多少給多少(實做實算)與不夠用再增加(後續擴充)的特性,及高機動性與高執行效率之優勢,讓很多機關愈來愈喜歡採用,其應用的範圍,也是愈來愈廣,若工程施工部份,亦採用開口契約型式辦理,則對機關之工程案件執行效率,更是有加乘作用。 不過因目前針對開口技術服務的規定,少之又少,很多主辦機關在擬訂招標文件時,因無相關法令與標準參考,所以都各自發揮,或者抄來抄去,以致於履約階段,易衍生爭議與問題,甚至違反政府採購公平合理原則;開口技術服務有相當多的優點,但也有其需要特別注意的事項,本研究將透過文獻探討、案例分析與專家深度訪談等方法,找出及分析目前開口技術服務執行所發生的問題,並提出建議對策,以供相關人員參考。


In recent years, government agencies to open the contract type, to implement the public works design and supervision of technical services, there are more and more trends, including not only post-disaster rescue, repair and rehabilitation projects, general routine maintenance, maintenance work, Even the annual scheduled implementation, the planned or future possible new projects, are also open technology services range. The organizer can obtain the technical service provided by the technical service provider for the whole year or for a long time through the bidding procedure. With the features of unit price and the advantages of high mobility and high execution efficiency, many institutions will like to adopt it increasingly, the scope of its application is also more and more wide, if the project Construction part, also use the open contract type for the implementation of the efficiency of the project case, it is a multiplication effect. However, due to the current requirements for open technical services, it’s very few, many organizers in the preparation of tender documents, because there is no relevant laws and standards reference, so they play, or copied to copy, so that the implementation phase, easy to derivative Controversy and problems, and even violate the principle of fair and reasonable government procurement; open technical services have considerable advantages, but also need to pay special attention to the matter, the study will be through literature, case analysis and expert interviews and other methods to find and analyze The current opening of technical services to the implementation of the problems, and proposed countermeasures for the relevant personnel reference.


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