  • 學位論文

情緒調節策略的使用差異與整體幸福感之關係初探: 以兩組年齡層不同之樣本作比較

Differences of the Use of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Well-being: A Comparison of Two Age Groups

指導教授 : 吳英璋


目的:許多研究指出老年人相較於年輕人報告出較佳的情緒控制能力,以及老年人有較正向的情緒經驗與生活滿意度。然而,過去相關研究多測量老年人的主觀情緒控制能力,亦未深入探討老年人的情緒調節與整體幸福感之關聯。本研究欲測量老年人與年輕人的情緒調節和整體幸福感狀況,並期待能夠進一步探究兩組人的情緒調節狀況與整體幸福感之間的關聯。Gross的情緒調節模式指出,情緒調節歷程主要包含情緒傾向發生前、發生後的情緒調節歷程,而不同調節歷程會有許多不同的情緒調節策略。回顧相關文獻,眾多情緒調節策略中「認知再評估」、「表現壓抑」兩種策略有相對完整定義,且可以分別對應情緒發生前、後的情緒調節歷程。故選擇上述兩種策略,作為評估老年人與年輕人情緒調節現象的指標。另外回顧社會情緒選擇理論以及老年人的社交互動相關研究,研究者認為老年人特有的某些社交行為傾向是為達成情緒調節目標之行為,針對此現象,研究者企圖引入概念相關的情緒調節策略,協助探索情緒調節的年齡差異。考慮相關概念,最後選擇「認知逃避」概念作為對應之情緒調節策略,認知逃避可再細分為「想法替代」、「躲避威脅性刺激」、「想法抑制」三種類型。本研究最終以上述挑選之情緒策略探索老年人與年輕人在情緒調節上有何不同。並透過情緒感受、生活品質等整體幸福感指標檢驗情緒調節成效。方法:將英文版認知逃避量表翻譯為中文版,請15位受試者協助填寫並回饋填寫中碰到的困難,修訂題目後放入正式施測問卷中。正式施測以44位大學生以及29位65歲以上的老年人為樣本,請受試者填寫中文版情緒調節量表、中文版認知逃避量表、正負向情緒感受量表、台灣簡明版生活品質量表。結果:(1) 老年人相較年輕人傾向使用認知逃避相關策略。(2) 老年人相較年輕人報告出顯著較低的負向情緒感受。(3) 年輕人組:表現壓抑與認知逃避總分、躲避威脅性刺激分量表有顯著相關。老年人組:除了認知再評估與想法抑制的相關外,其餘不同情緒調節策略之間幾乎都有顯著相關。(4) 年輕人:想法替代可以預測年輕人較高的負向情緒感受、較低的生活品質。老年人:想法替代可以預測老年人較高的社會範疇生活品質;躲避威脅性刺激分量表可以預測較低的心理、社會範疇生活品質。結論:研究結果顯示老年人與年輕人的情緒調節、情緒現象確實有所不同,同時「認知逃避」相關策略對於老年人以及年輕人所造成的調節成效有所不同。討論:本研究嘗試以變項之間的關聯、文化差異、引發情緒刺激的來源特性等角度切入,來探討本研究結果的發現。接著,說明研究結果的可能貢獻、限制與未來研究方向。


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate how younger people and elder people regulate their emotion in daily life and how such regulation is related to their emotion experience and quality of life. It is hypothesized that the younger and elder adults use emotion strategies differently, and lead to different consequences. METHOD: We translated Cognitive Avoidance Questionnaire(CAQ-C)into Chinese version, and reedited the items with the feedback given from 15 undergraduate students who have done the first version of Chinese CAQ. The second version is used in formal study. Chinese version of Emotion Regulation Questionnaire(ERQ-C), CAQ-C , Positive and Negative Affect Schedule(PANAS), and Brief version of World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument(WHOQOL-BREF)were given to 44 undergraduate and graduate students and 29 elders who are all over 65. RESULTS: The findings include: (1) The elders used cognitive avoidance strategies significantly more than the youngers. (2) The elders reported significantly less negative emotion experience than the youngers. (3) The young group: expression suppression is positively correlated with both the total score of cognitive avoidance and avoidance of threatening stimuli. The elder group: most of emotion regulation strategies are positively correlated with each other, except cognitive reappraisal and avoidance of threatening stimuli. (4) The younger group: thought substitution could predict increase in negative emotion experience and predict decrease in social quality of life. The elder group: thought substitution could predict increase in social quality of life. Avoidance of threatening stimuli could predict decrease in psychological and social quality of life. CONCLUSION: In present study, we found that the younger and elder group used emotion strategies differently, and they had different emotion experience. Cognitive avoidance strategies led to different consequences between the younger group and the elder group. DISCUSSION: Based on the above findings, the present study tried to discuss in the relationship between variables, culture differences, and individual interpretation of the evoked affective sources. Possible applications, limitations and future research were also addressed.


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