  • 學位論文

旅遊安全性決策之研究 —以台北地區國民中學校外教學為例

Research in Decision Making of Travel Safety ---A case study in the outschool education of Junior High Schools in Taipei Area

指導教授 : 朱子豪


旅遊是二十一世紀最重要的綠色產業,也將會是台灣島上重要的經濟命脈,但近年來重大旅遊安全事故頻傳,讓我們在重視旅遊舒適和娛樂價值的同時,開始思考人身最基本的安全保障問題。該如何保障旅遊的安全,則需要有一個整體性的決策評估系統和適切的旅遊安全風險管理機制,好讓大家可以在一個安全無虞的情況下,享受真正的旅遊品質。而國內對於旅遊安全風險的研究明顯不足,更缺乏一個整體性的評估體系。而本研究係針對校外教學作探討,一方面是由於校外教學是規範較為嚴謹的旅遊模式,也是目前國民義務教育階段行之有年,兼顧旅遊和教學的活動,因此本研究將針對校外教學作一個探討,旨在找出影響校外教學旅遊安全的因子。 本研究之方法係透過層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,簡稱AHP),將這些重要的決策因子作有系統的重組和排列分析。每一個因子的評估方法,則根據專家的經驗法則去設定。將定義和分類好的因子經過AHP的專家問卷權重分析之後,進行校外教學旅遊安全風險的數學式整合,最後導入案例實施風險的分級,以找出不同風險之建議管理模式。 本篇論文當中找到一個計算校外安全風險的具體數學公式,透過這個公式和案例的施行,分析出風險分級的依據,這可作為未來風險管理的重要依據。 本研究提供了一個簡易的校外教學旅遊風險評估模式,可以作為精緻校外教學的基礎,同時也研發旅遊安全風險分析一個新的方法,未來可以擴大研究範圍,並期應用於其他的旅遊形式,改善國內的旅遊品質。


Travel is the most important green industry in 21st century, and it will be the important economics lifeline on Taiwan Island. Because severe travel incidents occurred frequently in recent years, we begin to ponder over basic travel safety, while we used to pay more attention to comfortable travel and to its amusement value. To ensure travel safety at all time, prompt evaluations, thorough decision-making system, and proper management of travel risk are needed. In this way, one can enjoy a real travel in safe circumstances. There are insufficient researches for travel safety risk, and there is no adequate evaluation system. In this study, we focus on the field trips hold by high school. The high school field trips are planned in more deliberate ways, and they are hold in years for education and amusement purposes. Therefore, high school field trips are good objects to study travel safety in this research. The first goal of this research is to find the factors of safety in field trips, using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) as an approach to rearrange and recombine the decision-making factors. Each factor is evaluated by previous studies, articles, and experts' experiences.We use all well-prepared materials to run experts’ weighting analysis, and achieve second goal by establishing a math model of travel safety in field trips. Finally, we import several cases and rank the risk value in order to determine management model in different risks. This study accomplished a prompt evaluation model for travel safety risk in field trips, and provided a brand new vision for travel safety analysis. In the future, this model can be extended and applied to all travel types for travel quality improvement.


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Thomas L. Saaty and Ernest A.
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